We have updated our Wellness Policy (see below). We will ask each team member and parent to verbally acknowledge that they and their children are symptom free when they check-in. Team Members and Children aged two and up will be asked to sanitize their hands before entering.
We welcome any worker or child who chooses to wear a FACE COVERING or other personal protection equipment. Due to changes in our state, we will no longer require our workers to mask.
Surfaces, supplies and toys will be sanitized prior to each service time.
To ensure the health of the other children and Team Members, we ask that sick children and sick team members not attend any childcare event. It is recommended that a child does not attend church when any of the following symptoms are present:
A fever of 100 degrees or higher (fever free for 72 hours)
Diarrhea or vomiting – no matter what the cause (i.e. medication, teething, etc.)
Common cold (from onset through one week)
Any symptom of childhood diseases such as Scarlet Fever, German Measles, Mumps, Chicken Pox or Whopping Cough
Sore throat, constant cough, or croup
Colored mucous (runny nose that is not clear or in the eyes)
Any unexplained rash
Any skin infection: boils, ringworm, impetigo, or any open sores that leak fluid/blood
Pinkeye, redness of the eyes, or any other eye infection
Any communicable disease
Lice – including the presence of eggs or nits
If your child is being treated with antibiotics, they should be on the medicine for at least 24 hours before coming to church. If you child has a continually clear-runny nose or rash due to non-contagious allergies, please let us know. We realize that some symptoms hang on long after the child is no longer contagious.
COVID-19 Illness Guidelines:
Team Members and Parents will be asked the following questions before attending any childcare event.
Have you been in close contact with a person with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19?
Have you had unusual cough or shortness of breath?
Have you had a sore throat or other flu-like symptoms?
Have you had a fever of 100 degrees or greater in the past 72 hours?
Have you had new loss of taste or smell?
Have you had vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24-hours?
If the answer is YES to any of the above questions, please stay home.