Upcoming Events + Calendar
So many Amazing Events are Happening at Full Life.
Weekly Sunday Service @ 10:00am + Wednesday Life Groups @ 6:30pm.
Service Cancelations are Sent via Email, Join our Email-List to Stay Up to Date.
Food Distribution Outreach
Join our Food Distribution Outreach!
Thursday, February 6 @ 1:00pm - Packing boxes
Saturday, February 8 @ 9:30am - Packing boxes
Saturday, February 8 @ 9:30am - Local Delivery
Sunday, February 9 @ 10am - Take your box after service and deliver
TNMN Men's Conference
Cost: $79/person
Includes 2 meals and sleeping accommodations
Friday, March 7
3:00 PM Check-In Opens
6:00 PM Dinner (Included)
7:15 PM Evening Service
Dessert & coffee after evening service
Saturday, March 8
6:00 AM Coffee Station Open
7:30 AM Breakfast (included)
8:30 AM Morning Worship & Devo
9:00 AM Break
9:30 AM Worship & Service
11:30 AM Dismissal
Reclaim Women's Event
Reclaim Truth
Reclaim Relationships
Reclaim Joy
Reclaim Care
Grab your girlfriends and come hang out with the women of WAY-FM and artist, Tasha Layton for RECLAIM! If you're tired of being everything to everyone, imagine having a day just for you. A day filled with worship and authenticity to help you connect to Jesus. Join Betty Rock, Joy, and Bekah to reclaim your confidence, your relationships and your connection with God in one life-changing afternoon on Saturday, March 29th. And join us for BRUNCH before the event begins.
10:30 am - Brunch
1-5:00 pm - Reclaim Event
Cost: $30 + cost of Brunch
Team Night & Growth Track
An evening of vision, equipping & inspiration for our GO Team!
MUMlife Community
MUMlife Community exists to love, encourage, equip and disciple mothers of all ages by infiltrating homes with bible based principles, a life giving community and a life changing faith no matter where you are on your journey. We are a sisterhood of Mothers Uplifting Mothers!
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Full Life Church, Franklin
Registration fee - $44
Childcare - One child - $55 + $44 = $99
Childcare - Two children - $75 + $44 = $119
Childcare - Three or more children - $95 + $45 = $139
We have had to make a hard last minute decision and CANCEL our service this morning. As temperatures drop, roads are continuing to get more dangerous for travel. We are so sorry, but safety is our priority for our team and members. Stay safe!
Laughing All The Way
LAUGHING ALL THE WAY! A Christmas Comedy & Carols Experience for all ages.
Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. It should be a PARTY! So, clean comedian Leland Klassen, and Christian recording artist, Dan Macaulay, created this show for families to laugh a ton, sing some fun carols, and have a blast celebrating together. Their collage of stand-up comedy, Christmas carols, musical silliness and improv is a one of a kind Christmas event unlike anything your family (or neighbors) have ever seen and it makes a great outreach to your community!
Be a friend and celebrate Christmas with us!
LifeKidz presents "Singing JOY"
Our LifeKidz will be singing during our morning service!
Food Distribution Outreach
Join our Food Distribution Outreach!
Thursday, December 12 @ 1:00pm - Packing boxes
Saturday, December 14 @ 9:30am - Packing boxes
Saturday, December 14 @ 9:30am - Local Delivery
Saturday, December 21 @ 9:00am - Meals on Wheels Delivery
Sunday, December 15 @ 10am - Take your box after service and deliver
Games, Giveaways & Grilled Cheese
All Church Christmas Party … Game Night with Grilled Cheese & Tomato Soup for Dipping.
Bring a Friend and Come Hungry!
Ladies Comfy & Cozy Friendmas Party
Ladies! You are invited to a Comfy & Cozy Friendmas Party!
Join us for a relaxing evening by the fire with friends and treats.
Bring your favorite COZY GIFT to exchange ($10 limit) … i.e. socks, blanket, mittens, candle, cocoa, tea, etc.
Sign up to bring an appetizer or dessert to share.
Meeting at the Home of Dena Willis in Franklin, TN (address will be sent before event)
Food Distribution Outreach
Join our Food Distribution Outreach!
Thursday, November 21 @ 1:00pm - Packing boxes
Saturday, November 23 @ 9:30am - Packing boxes
Saturday, November 23 @ 9:30am - Local Delivery
Sunday, November 24 @ 10am - Take your box after service and deliver
FriendsGiving // Thanksgiving Meal
Friendsgiving // Thanksgiving Meal [Wednesday Nov. 20 at 6:30pm]
Bring a Friend + a Dish
Presence Night
An evening to encounter God’s presence thru an extended time of worship & prayer.
Circles are better than rows! Join a group at our Soup & Chili Night. Bring your favorite to share.
Food Distribution Outreach
Join our Food Distribution Outreach!
Saturday, October 19 @ 9:30am - Packing boxes
Sunday, October 20 @ 10am - Take your box after service and deliver
Place of Hope Outreach Nigh
Join us for a night of ministry at the Place of Hope in Columbia, TN!
Presence Night
An evening to encounter God’s presence thru an extended time of worship & prayer.
Small Group FALL TREATS Night
Circles are better than rows! Join a group at our Fall Treats Night.
MUMlife Community
MUMlife Community exists to love, encourage, equip and disciple mothers of all ages by infiltrating homes with bible based principles, a life giving community and a life changing faith no matter where you are on your journey. We are a sisterhood of Mothers Uplifting Mothers!
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Full Life Church, Franklin
Registration fee - $40
Childcare - One child - $55 + $40 = $95
Childcare - Two children - $75 + $40 = $115
Childcare - Three or more children - $95 + $40 = $135
Team Night & Growth Track
An evening of vision, equipping & inspiration for our GO Team!