I Can See Clearly Now - Nick Serban III

I Can See Clearly Now __ Nick Serban III


god, today, church, dream, years, people, call, lord, sat, hear, nick, move, play, nascar, heart, worship, give, morning, put, moment

Give your Bible this morning would you turn to I just gotta I have a thought this morning and ends up being two or three points, maybe four. But Ephesians chapter one, your Bible your device. long passage, I want you to understand the context behind this as the Apostle Paul. And I need to get this today that he's, you know, have you ever sat down? Or have you ever sat down that type of text? Back in the day, people used to actually write letters. But here he is in prison. And he's writing this letter. Now, I have visited a few people in prison in jail before and and maybe you've been in jail before and that's perfectly fine. God, God who redeems and turns things around, Can you say Amen. But there hasn't been too many jail visits that I had, that there was this exuberance on the other side of the plastic, or the other side of the room. It's so in context this morning, here's the Apostle Paul sharing in Ephesians, to Ephesus, and this letter ultimately gets passed around I believe that other churches, and here it is, we're picking it up today as it's passed off to us in Franklin, Tennessee. Ephesians one, verse 15. For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus, and your love for all God's people, I have not stopped giving thanks for you remembering you in my prayers. I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious father may give you the spirit of wisdom, and Revelation. Now just a pause there. Some people refer to different spirits of the Lord. Some say they're seven, seven spirits, the end of the day is I just I just rely on the spirit. But if you were to differentiate spirits in it, here's a here's a piece where commentators and scholars would say, here's the spirit of wisdom that says, whispers in our ears, this is the way walk in it, right. And then now he says, The spirit of revelation, so that you may know him better. Verse 18, this is where's our focus today, I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you. He's going to read it for emphasis. One more time, I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope, to which he has called you the riches of His glorious inheritance in his holy people, it goes on and this incomparable the great power for us who believe. What's the power about the power is the same as the mighty strength, verse 20, he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead, and seated him at the right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked not only in the present age, but also in the one to come. And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be ahead over everything for the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills everything in every way. So once again, here is the apostle Paul, writing has written this letter from a prison and not quite as nice as Williamson County, lockup, not, it's not maybe as nice as some of the places this place is a dungeon, this place is for the worst of the worst. And he's praying for this church, and he's praying most of all, that there would be enlightening of their heart that they would see better, because he then he follows him and says, and this is this is the reason why because there is power, and there is authority of what Jesus has done for us. There is There is greatness there is there is direction, there is purpose for what Jesus has done. So I asked this question this morning, what do you see? What do you see today? What do you see other are there circumstantial scales on our eyes, or maybe some referred to as a veil? I was looking at the windows of our house this morning, between the air conditioning and the humidity, it was all a moist and all that. It's kind of like, is that the way we see? But we take this scripture verse today in our Christian walk in the life that God has called us to live when you say Jesus came into my life, changed me forever. Just know that in this process, there still has to be this moments in this time, where we surrendered, we continually surrender. We take up our cross daily, deny ourselves and follow Him. So it's not just a one time moment, but it's daily. It's growing. It's developing. It's hearing And here he is writing to the church, just like he's writing to us today. He's saying, listen, evaluate. Take a look here. And here's my prayer, that wisdom comes in. This is the way walk in it, that you can hear that you can dream that you can see. Where do you see the capital C church in the future? Family life? What do you think God is wanting to do? Have you ever been asked those questions? Well, what do you think God wants to do in your home? There's a great, there's a great starting point around dinner tonight, or this afternoon lunch? What do you think God wants to do? In our lives? What do you think God wants to do in our children? You know, years ago, and I'm gonna, I'm probably jump all over the place this morning. But years ago, we decided to have children. And we had four, we've had four boys, and we got grandchildren and, and daughter and loves and, and all this, but do you know that we never sat, we never sat back and actually thought, you know, we're going to we're going to quench their spirits, all for our boys, we're going to hold them back. You know, we don't want them to excel. We don't want them to dream. We don't want them to become. We never we never sat down to have the discussions. But we would sit down and whether we purposely had the discussion, you know, what do we see here? What do we see there? You know, should we get them lessons here? Should they play on this or they do this? And or we would, we would direct them? We would purpose them? You know, years ago, when this church moved into this building, there were about 29 people. For those of y'all weren't aware of that. And so there wasn't a youth group here. Actually, there was a youth group, there were three serving boys, you know, a couple, a couple leaves a couple of saris, you know, there are some different people that were around, but I tell you what, it wasn't, it wasn't this fabulous, most incredible, most most deliberate thing that was going on. But we purposed in our heart that you know what, we're going to grow together. And you know what, on Wednesday, you're coming to church on Sunday, you're coming to church, when you had the opportunity to do some different things, you know, those were in place and purposeful. And so, our band, our worship team started to grow. And thank God for our worship team, thank God for those who play instruments. But we didn't have a bass player. We didn't have a drummer. We had some keys, we kind of threw in this that another thing. And so Nick started to learn how to play the bass guitar. And Garrett started learning how to play the drums. And Lucas started learning how to play the the guitar, electric, acoustic and put a mic in front of them, they started to sing backup, you know, and this snare, the youngest one, Jacob, when he got got of age, he decided I'm gonna play the bass too. So he's sort of playing the bass, you know, and then they began to move around, and they began to excel in these different areas. But never do we ever think Never did we sit down and think you know what, we just want to keep them in the corner. We want to keep them in the back. But there was a purpose. And there was a, there was a time that we said, you know, what we're believing for greatness in their lives, we're going to ask ourselves, where do we see our children? Because guess what they were putting our hands. God put them as for responsibility in our hands that delegated authority over their lives. And so when we sat back, we didn't say, y'all, you can do whatever you want. Oh, it's no big deal. And believe me there, there are mornings and days that you would wake up and say, You know what, I don't want to keep moving forward. You know, I don't want to do this, I'm gonna do that. But we as parents had to say, You know what? No, as we're going to do, where we always the most popular, no. But today, from where we were, to where we see, and what we see what we saw, then we see now, we see four young men involved with ministry in their own right, we see three at present a goddess provided godly wife for them. And there's one more coming, amen. Somebody's coming agree with me. Right? All right, Lucas, we love you, if you're watching this this morning, wherever you are, and we're just continuing to believe. And they're, and they're excelling in those areas. But if we were to sit and made it all about us, if we were to sit and say, You know what it's about our comfort are are what we want, as opposed to Lord, enlighten our hearts, so we can dream, so that we can see, so that we can hope so that we can have vision. I'll take it a step further. And I may be going off track here. But out of this church, hear between ministry and music, and other churches from music ministry to on tour with with artists, all that it's unbelievable how God has blessed this little remnant in Franklin, Tennessee, missionaries out of a small church like this, as we continue to be a hub to the nations of the world, Bible colleges and and marriages and all these things. I want to encourage us to them In a poor us today on my 55th birthday, don't stop dreaming. Don't stop believing. Don't stop hoping, don't stop allowing the Lord to peel back the veil that may be on your eyes and give you clarity. Just a few months back, when 2023 started, many of us had resolutions, how that's going for you 134 days until Christmas. But we have a choice today. And I'm going to tell you, I'm going to I'm going to encourage you, I'll make a demand. But let's not wait till 2024 to make another resolution. And wherever you find yourself that today would be the day. I mean, it's kind of cool for me anything I want to change anything I want to, you know, do, I can start today 55 I mean, I can look back and say, Okay, here we go, it started everything off. But when it all comes down to it, God gives us these moments. In the Old Testament, Caleb, he saw land filled with milk and honey, others saw giants. Others saw opposition. Others saw what could not happen. I think probably one of the worst things and and maybe this is kind of where we find ourselves sometimes, maybe we're not always on the same page with someone else, whether it's our spouse, whether it's someone in our lives. But here Caleb he sees he sees the glory. In fact, finally when they when they're let loose into the Promised Land, after all the Imagine having a hangout for years just waiting for people to die. To receive a promise. Now it's my hope there's not a word for anybody here in this house. All right. But there's life and there's life more abundant. We have it through Jesus through the New Covenant today. But here Caleb is he's waiting. And when this opportunity comes, he's shouting give me the mountain. There's no giant there's no obstacle. There's no moment that's gonna keep me back. And I want us to hear today at full life in this church in Franklin, Tennessee, that there's nothing holding us back but us that we've got to see again, that we've got to dream again, that we've got to hear again, if you're whether it was on the schoolyard growing up, or, or whether it was a moment you've had an intimate anybody ever say to you before I dare you. I dare you, Matt, I dare you. I dare you to give it everything to the Lord. I dare you to surrender everything, Jonathan, I dare you to trust him. I dare you to look to him. You know, in life and circumstance, oftentimes, it takes other people. I'll tell you why I'm so enriched right now. I get to hang out with Jomar. But the last three days, Thursday, Friday, Saturday stayed at our house, our dog woke them up on Saturday morning, it was just wonderful. Our dog opens doors. And that could be prophetic somehow. I don't know. I gotta, I gotta, I gotta I gotta stir that. But uh, you know, I tell you Well, I feel like I feel like you know, just after spending a little bit of time with him. And for those that were in the, in the room during his whatever. I mean, he was my house. I mean, so we, we ate together, we hang out together, we talk together, we dream together. I tell you what, I'm ready to take some mountains. It's amazing. When people come around us. I want you to hear this today. Whether it's part of the part of a point part or whatever. You and I, I need to I dare you today. You've got to be a Jomar. But you don't think you have to go to Ecuador. You've got to be a voice in someone's life. Every one of us who have called Jesus into our lives, every one of us I say you know what? I'm going to I'm going to surrender. I'm going to live for You, Lord. We have got to be spiritual fathers, spiritual moms to somebody else. We I don't care how how old you are, how young you are, how immature you think that you are. When all comes down to it. We must be that voice. There was a voice in my life years ago. His name was Hugh quarry. Hugh quarry was the president, the superintendent of the organization, the fellowship of the Assemblies of God in southern New England. My dad planted a church up in southern New England. He invited him to come we're meeting at a town hall building. I don't know if we had 20 people or 40 people, I'm not quite sure. But at the time, he came in, he came back to the house for for lunch. There were no restaurants there was there was nowhere to go. He came to the house and to this day, to this day. I just I just spoke about him about about two weeks ago in Columbus, Ohio, a friend of a friend of a friend who was related to their family. I said that Hugh Cory said probably very insignificant words, but I I caught them. He told me, I was in fifth grade, maybe sixth grade, he said to me, he's like, Nikki, there's something special about you, and God's gonna use you. You call him and I said that the 25 other people 25 other little little Nick's, but I tell you what, it was something that I got a hold of. You, Cory is going to be with the Lord and ever had the opportunity to follow back with him and talk with him and say, Hey, thanks for speaking into my life. Like I tell you what, we got to believe in one another. We've got to we've got to allow the Lord to enlighten us that we would be a voice that would be an encouragement that we would be helpful. seems silly, and another person in my life. His name was Jimmy Commando. He got Jimmy commands, oh, great Italian minister. He, he took me under his wing. When I was in college. Most people, most people go to college and just kind of go to college. I went to college, and I began to lead worship in a church that he was planting in the area. And he was a youth pastor from Lutherville, Maryland, he would drive up to hours to come to the school. We and he, he believed in me. I didn't believe myself. I mean, I knew I had Corey speaking to me in the in the background, you know, but but the things that I would put my hands to, I felt like, you know, I just couldn't do it. I just couldn't do it. And James commends Jimmy Commando, he, he decided, you know, you can sing I was dating Kim at the time, and she played the upright piano Kim plays the piano, by the way, how many would love to hear him play the piano someday and the worship team? I told you, honey, I told you. She sings beautifully. I mean, and so we would lead worship on an upright piano, you know, those old wooden ones. And I would stand there with a and I would, we'd have a drummer at the time. So I would, I would tap, tap the mic stand with my foot. And so here's so here's the drums right here. We're singing, we're harmonizing. She's playing, playing whatever, and we would lead worship. Next thing you know, he asked me he's like, Would you be the evangelism pastor in our church? And I'm like, what does that mean? He had this huge idea. It was called Tella evangelism, where we make all these phone calls and everything is kind of like, that wasn't up my alley. But you know what? I did it. You want to know why? Because we believe I could do it. Somebody believed I could do it. through the, through the years, three years, we lead worship. We were the worship leaders at that church. We'd leave for the summer and go on tour for the school, come back and be right back into it. Next thing I know I had the soccer team. Hey, you play the trombone? Listen, we had a upright piano. I tapped the mic, and we get a trombone player. I mean, that is that true worship right there. Come on. I mean, I mean, next thing, you know, that trumpet player, we had a brass section before we had acoustics and you know, all those things. It was unbelievable. We just used them. And you know, one of the why they wanted to play in the worship team. Because I believed in them. What do we believe in? What are we looking for? What are we? What are we what are we seeing? I believe the Lord wants to put us in places. Bring us the places. Last person I want to bring honor to if you happen to watch this presentation this morning. His name was Bill Kirk, Bill Kirk, William Kirk, who sits by the bedside of his of his wife today, when they called hospice in this past week. And he was a mentor in my life. He gets he gets on the platform on a Sunday morning. Fresh out of fresh out of Bible school, we had one baby on the way. And he he wasn't feeling well during the time. And so we had Sunday morning, Sunday evening service. He says Nick, you're gonna start preaching on Sunday night. I remember I preached like three weeks and basically I preached everything I knew everything I could think of, and I like had nothing else to preach. And he's like, no, no, no, you're gonna keep preaching. He put me up there. He did. He didn't he introduced me every Sunday night. He's like, this is the best youth pastor in Western New York. I didn't even know I didn't know who the other youth pastors were. He was thought he was referring to. But I just knew he believed in me. I want you to I need to say this because this message today is not about the power of positive thinking. This message today is about stepping in to your sonship as a father, as a mom, as a prophet, as a facilitator, for the purpose of God. And the world we live in, where we often you know, where we Sir, because we don't want to do this, we don't want to say this. We don't want to offend here or there. What would it look like? I tell you this message, I can see clearly. Now. Of course, I'm thinking in my mind, as the rain is gone, but I can see clearly. Now, I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you. The riches of His glorious inheritance is his holy people, and his incomparable great power for us who believe that power is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead. And he seated Him at the right hand, in the heavenly realms far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age, but also in one to become. What are you dreaming about? What are we dreaming about? In 19, in the year 2000, Kim and I began to dream about moving to Franklin, Tennessee. We didn't live here we had family who lived in the area, we'd come down at Thanksgiving or Christmas, kind of rotate, rotate years, hang out, love the area. We were, we realized there was a there was a there was a church in the area. And we just had this had this dream about, you know what, let's move took us it took us a couple years to kind of get up the unction to resign a great a great ministry a great job, to come really to nothing, and to start something fresh. And here, almost 20, over 20 years later, it'll be 20 years in 2024, that we were asked to be pastors of this church. I look back over the years. And I can say I look back now. And maybe that maybe that's the point. And whether I get that my points that are out today. But I can look back now, as I shared a little earlier, I can see not perfectly how we raised our boys, but purposefully raised our boys. And we see where they are now. I see how we purposefully pastored in this church not perfectly by any stretch of the imagination. And we've lost more people than are in the in the room today. I mean, we have been we have been a facilitator to many churches in the area. That's that's all I coin it. Amen. Hallelujah. Somebody say altro Amen. All right. All right, makes me it makes me feel better. But when it all comes down to it, I am so grateful for how God has led over the years. But where there was no vision, we could still be sitting in one place. May the Lord enlighten our hearts that we would see. What does God have for you? You know, years ago, I, when I was in college, the Lord put on my heart that I would be a district youth director. Now, many of you have probably no idea what that is. It's very prestigious, calling. And it's the oversight of churches, and youth groups, and education in churches. And the Lord kind of put that on my heart. It was something that I didn't think I could do it. But I had this deposit at this one moment that that he said, you know, prepare yourself that one day you'll do that? Well, I went to youth ministry. And five years later, God called me to go to do move to southern New England, moved to Massachusetts, Texas uses to become the oversight of youth ministry in the Assemblies of God in southern New England. Unheard of we didn't even live in we lived in New York at the time usually take people from the state that you're in. And I know maybe for many of you think about all looks. It's all kind of close together up there. But it was a different. It was different places. The Lord, when the Lord puts something on your heart. He changes and God put on our heart that there will be an amazing church here in Franklin, Tennessee. In fact, I was I was going over thinking about this. I think the only other than I think the only thing that hasn't happened in this church, we're so close. And one that one day God gave me a download. I'm still looking for it. I always send it to my brother in law, Scott. And it's somewhere between my computer and your computer. I had this huge dream of what the what a church may look like someday. And I remember in the dream and this it sounds so irrational and so unnecessary. But again, you know, dream big God is I had put on there that God would establish his church in Franklin, Tennessee, and pretty much we've hit we've hit all that we'd be up to the nations of the world missions, fine arts, all these things. We've seen it come to pass. And the one thing that is in there that I really put in there that there will be valet parking at this church. Yeah, we're so close. We have a golf cart, you know, in basically. I mean, we were so close and why I put that in there. I have no idea. Don't hurt the dream though, huh? Anyway, I thought you get a kick out of that. So, let me give you let me, let me just roll through these. Dare to see the impossible. I would encourage you to do it on my birthday, my 55th birthday, I want you to hear this dare to see the impossible. There it is to the impossible in relationship. Dare to see the impossible financially dare to see the impossible with your children. Listen, God calls protocols home, you got a protocol, he calls them home, I'm telling you what he is, he is so so faithful. Mark 923, if you can believe all things are possible to him that believes there to see the impossible. We serve a God of the impossible. We serve a God, the same God who rolled back the Red Sea, who sent fire down from heaven to consume the sacrifice on the altar. We serve the same God who led Peter to walk on water, who turned a water into wine who spoke to the lame death and dead to be healed and rise, who fed 5000 and more. And who rose from the grave. There is a new covenant. It's through the blood of Jesus, He paid the price that you can dream again, he paid the price that you're not stuck to an institution, he paid the price that you can have these dreams and those dreams come in the night and vision in the day and we will prophesied and we will hear and we will we will be God's hands. The real question is what does your picture look like? What's your vision look like? Is it all fuzzy? Is it blank? Tell you what, I implore you today, to fight for it. I implore you today to hear from God. God is interested in our vision. If you're dreaming it, I'm telling you, I'm believing if it lines up with the word of God is not contrary to the Word of God. I gotta believe that somehow, someway, God has put it in your heart. There was a young young man here years ago, his name is Kyle Froman. And Kyle served here, actually worked as associate pastor did some media stuff here. And he loved NASCAR ministry. He was a chaplain for NASCAR, they kind of kind of the humming here like NASCAR, how many know what NASCAR is, you know, there's alright. I kind of felt the same way. It's kind of like, I can't figure it out. You know, we're watching this thing and zooming around zooming around. But it's like big thing. And I remember talking to him one day, we there was a transition taking place. And to this day, I remember this very specifically, is that I remember having the conversation that he was going to give up chaplaincy with NASCAR to come full time here. And it was it was a tough thing. In fact, it may or may not even worked out as well as I thought it was going to work out. Because there were some feelings hurt in the process and some family and family situations and thank the Lord in the been resolved, and we move forward. But in that in that time, I remember saying to him, I was like, I believe that God has put this on your heart. Because he hadn't put it on my heart. He was dreaming. It's kind of it's kinda like Cheyenne. I don't want to move to Thailand. I have no desire to move to Thailand. But God's put it on your heart to do that. God put it on his heart to be a NASCAR chaplain. And we had we had a tough transition in the process. And guess what he went on to be an incredible NASCAR chaplain, pretty much full time fully sponsored. What does God put on your heart? I think is Stacy back here. Stacy. You're a coach. You're a trainer. You know, I mean, you've tried to train me. I mean, look at the difficult the difficulty there. But that's what God's put on your heart. I mean, you dream about running. You know, I have nightmares about running. But But in these moments, what does God put on your heart Jonathan choirs, bands, drill media commercials, you know, I can't sing jingles. But you can. God has put things on our heart. And it's so important today to dare to continue to see the impossible. Secondly, dare to believe that you dare to believe what you don't see. Dare to believe what you don't see. I didn't see everything planned out. In Franklin, Tennessee. In fact, the one of the caveats of the whole thing. I tell you what, the first two years here, were not the best, maybe even three years. difficulties, challenges, hurts that we had the opportunity. We actually had the opportunity to go back and take our job back in Massachusetts. I said yes on a Friday and couldn't sleep all weekend long. I had to call I had to call my former boss and say You can help. I really want to come. But God hasn't released me yet. Where are you in the process of the call that God has on your life? And the call can be being a trainer. The call can be being a contractor. The call can be working nine to five. But are you fulfilling the call to be a father? Not just a father to your own children but a father to someone else? A mom and encouragement believe I called a friend of mine this past week, and Annika Nicki's gonna wind this down. It's all the ice cream truck full of the Lord's I mean, he's just moving right now. I just feel it. I mean, I these are my these are the two points you're gonna get today. I'm going to wrap it up with this story. This testimony, called a friend of mine, actually, I sit on a board of another church in Gardner, Massachusetts. And he's not going out of the park. They have a cafe in their church. How about that? Good example. That's not my dream. But it is. I'd be good with a good good cafe here or something. Anyway, so I call them up. Because I'm just going to tell them myself. On Monday morning. On Tuesday, I was a little discouraged. No, no, no, I'll just say it like this. I was very discouraged. I called him up. And he took my call and he said, Listen, I have this, I have to go to a meeting. We talked for like five minutes. I didn't even get out what I was disappointed about. And he's like, let me call you back. He's like a callback at an hour. I think he called like, three hours later. I took the call. He's like, I gotta tell you something, Nick. And I didn't even I didn't even wasn't even able to cut fart. And we do you know, the definition of cathartic. cathartic means the verbally vomit. Alright. So how many ever had somebody come up to you before? So anyway, I didn't have my moment. And he's like, You said, I believe this, Nick. He's like, we live 1100 miles away. He said, he said, your name came up in a conversation last night. And I'm like, what? He's like, Yeah, somebody somebody said, I was at pastor Nick's church about 10 years ago. Again, it's not my church, but the association that I'm here. He's like, she's like I was at pastor next church, about 10 years ago, could have been 12 years ago. I was in a service. And she apparently she commented, it was a Sunday evening service. And I don't necessarily remember doing a whole lot of Sunday evening services. But she had gotten bad news that week. She's She's a, she's a singer, musician. And she got news that week that there was a deterioration to one of her ear canals. And she was losing hearing, when that was the diagnosis. 100%. And she goes on to tell my friend that she's like, on that night, she said, Pastor Nick stood on a platform and prayed a simple prayer. And I heard something click, I heard something, just take place. And I went home and I told my husband, and and if I had to go back to the doctor, goes back to the doctor. And the doctors were like, you don't have that deterioration. We don't know how you've gotten been diagnosis way. But there's nothing wrong with your ear. Her hearing came back that the hurt came, was was gone, and she was healed. A couple things you can say, well, maybe she was never diagnosed to begin with. Listen. If for nothing else, that 12 years ago that happened that I could call my friend in that moment and he could say, you know, be encouraged God is still working. He has worked before he will work again. And I want you to hear me today he still heels today. There is nothing that's impossible for him and I dare you today to take him for his word I dare you today to walk under full anointing Stop stop moping stopped as getting by we are not get by Christians. We are those who who are to excel. We are those that have words of life and encouragement to one another. Why so downcast? Oh, my soul, put your hope in God. Listen, we don't have much time left. He's coming soon. I'm telling you, you think you think you're gonna you're kind of waiting to watch you know this that he could come. I'm gonna tell you. He has my permission. Not I need my permission. He could come at any moment. He could come at any moment. I would hate for any of us to be able to stand and stand up there and say, You know what? I was just I was catching my second wind. You know, Laura wasn't quite sure what you were doing. Nobody's doing it. If, if the Apostle Paul prayed for Ephesus, he's praying for Franklin full life today. Every man, every woman that's here, he's saying, You know what, you can see what I have for you. You can receive, you can walk in what I have for you. And that's where miracles happen. That's where purpose happens. That's where hope happens. Align yourself. Set yourself up. I dare you. I dare you today. We're just staying with me. You're here this morning right now, just like this. If you're here today. You say, Nick. I haven't been dreaming like I used to. I'm in a place that I feel stagnant. I'm in a place where I don't want to dream again. I don't want to hurt again. I believe God wants to heal that today. I believe God wants to give you a fresh vision today, and a fresh opportunity and a fresh hope in your life. And if that's you this morning, maybe it's nobody but if you're here today, would you come forward? I have an anointing oil in my pocket. And I want to pray for you today.


Robert Stearns // Guest Speaker


Faith Over Feeling - Nick Serban IV