Elevate Your Faith // Nick Serban III

Elevate Your Faith __ Nick Serban III


faith, moments, god, jesus, today, outfield, life, church, years, lord, touch, ball, great, week, work, oftentimes, bless, good, morning, pastor

Take a just a quick detour. And there's just so you don't turn around and look back at the at the media guy. You don't have the Scripture, you're not going to have the Scripture up there. And so it's okay. This is the Bible, everyone would have Bibles. I know many of us have it, have it right here, and I totally get it. So if you have your Bible, your heavier device, or whatever it is, just just I want to, I'm going to try to just just take a moment in obedience here. And would you turn the book of Mark chapter five? I've got over a message I believe the Lord put on my heart. But I'm in Mark, chapter five verse 25, Mark, typical, every 25 minutes, I've read as quick as I can. If you've been here long enough, you know, I can read quickly. And we can interpret later. And a woman was there who had been subjected to bleeding for 12 years, she had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had. Yet instead of getting better, she grew worse. When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak. Because she thought, if I just touched his clothes, I will be healed. Immediately. Her bleeding stopped. And she, and she felt in her body, that she was freed from her suffering. At once Jesus realized that the power had gone out from him, he turned around in the crowd and asked, Who touched my clothes? You see the people crowding against you here. Here's this, what are you talking about? Everybody's trying to touch you, Jesus. That's what the disciples are saying my paraphrase. You see the crowd, people crowding against you, his disciples answered, and yet you can ask who touched me. But Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it, than the woman, knowing what had happened to her came and fell at his feet, and trembling with fear, told him the whole truth, told him the whole truth. He said, to her daughter, your faith has healed you. We say a little bit of faith today, your faith has healed you go in peace and be freed from your suffering. Another version says that she was totally healed at that juncture. And at that point, and I've shared this passage of Scripture, when I was traveling for another ministry. And I share four points from this brief passage, but I just just as a reminder to us, first of all, she recognized she had a need, she recognized there was a need in her life, she recognized that she was just done spending the money, she was done, trying to fix it on her own, she was done trying to, to work it out. The second thing she did was, the Bible says that she went alone. And oftentimes, you ever heard the statement, birds of a feather, flock together. And so oftentimes, sick people kind of, kind of, you know, kind of stir each other up and, and they're sick together. And, but she made a choice. This woman made a choice for somebody this morning, she made a choice that it didn't matter. It didn't matter if anybody if, you know, her friend was gonna go with her because they were they were all hanging out together. They were they were all just kind of kind of waiting. She chose to go alone. The third thing she did is honor a football season that were right in the throes of what a great football she pressed through the crowd. Okay? Please know that. That when when Jesus is walking, and the disciples are kind of his entourage, they're around him and it wasn't like, oh, come right on up. And I mean, there were there were hundreds there were 1000s of people in this moment, but she was determined. She was determined in that moment that nothing was going to keep her from touching Jesus from getting with Jesus. So she pressed through the crowd. She was she was purposeful in wanting to go and then the fourth the fourth thought, this morning before we hop officially into the into our word today is she told the whole truth. She told the whole truth. You know, last last week i i made some comments about generational curses. I've made some comments about a generational things that we carry on to whether it's anger, whether it's this whether it's you know, pride, whether it's ego, whether it's whatever it comes down to, and we can pray and we can believe in these things and we can say it in the name of Jesus. Come out. receive healing, be delivered. walk in freedom. and you're gonna have to walk out these doors and you're gonna have to walk in it. And even today, in moments like this, we're gonna pray for healing. Before we leave today, we're gonna pray for for those who need a touch of the Lord physically, those who needed to touch of the Lord emotionally, those who need to touch the Lord financially. We're gonna believe here today, before you leave, that we're gonna, we're gonna encourage you to put your faith together, then we is there enough, enough faith in this room, that things can turn around, that things can change that relationships can come back to life, that God can do? exceedingly, abundantly above all we ask or even think, this woman, it could have been a number of years, it was a number of years that she had been sick, sick and tired of being sick and tired. And so this morning, for the next few moments, I'd like to minister on a on the topic of faith, and whoo, I didn't know what the order was, I tend not to look to the order. Aren't you grateful for this incredible worship team that was appeared today and the leading us shaman, do an amazing, amazing, amazing job. But uh, oftentimes, when we're going through things, and when we're going through difficulties, isolation we choose to fall into, I'm gonna stay away, I don't want anybody to deal with it. Oftentimes, isolation has a tendency to magnify our pain though, when we try to pull away when we try to say, You know what, I can do this on my own. But community is part of the cure community, and rubbing shoulders and iron. Sharpening iron is another way that we can grow through things. That's why we encourage you. And I'm so grateful. If I were to announce to you that this Wednesday, we have small groups and you you've missed some stuff. But if you haven't been able to come, it doesn't matter. You can come as if it was the first time and I'll tell you what, we're going to have an amazing time in the Word of God. And I tell you what has strengthened us. It has it has grown us it has it has encouraged us in that in that in the process. Next few moments I wanted to share about this idea called elevate your faith. I was gonna call it elevating your faith but Kim who put the graphic together said this fits better. And so there she told me she told me this morning I was walking down stairs, she's like, by the way, your title, the title, the message is elevate your faith and I'm like, oh, okay, thanks for telling me honey. Thanks for telling me but uh, you know what we need to elevate our faith. I don't know if your faith is here. You need to go to here. If your faith is down here, let's get going. Let's get going in our faith somebody asked me Pastor you're gonna you're going golfing today. Tomorrow I might go into work. But I have this golf club. And this is actually this is a Jack Nicklaus McGregor golden bear. The bear right up there. It's it's not it's not the high prize. It's an eight This is an antique when it comes down to it. This is what you see in Cracker Barrel on the wall. All right. When you when you when you go there, but um, and I chose purposely not to bring my clubs in that are in the trunk of my my vehicle. But I happen to have some great clubs. I do and in fact, full life blessed me on my 50th birthday. With some new clubs, I wouldn't got fitted and you know, just just perfectly and you would think for getting fitted and the money that was spent on those clubs. I would be shooting par every time I went out which and for those of you that don't know golf shooting part would be like if the whole says it takes four shots normally to get to the hole that you should do that the whole time. For me oftentimes, if it says four feels like count the first one no. But it's these moments. These moments. Yeah, I do. Yeah, I've I've shot we call them snowmen eights, you know, and we I hate scoring them on the card. But when it comes down to it, I have I have I have more stuff than I need. I just wanted to know I I have clubs that some of you would sell AV in fact, last year I decided I wasn't hitting my, my driver far far enough. So I went personally and I got a new driver. And and I mean I was at the I was at the place getting fitted and now I'm just driving this thing. Um, as far as can be. And unfortunately it hasn't not translated onto the course but uh, I mean, I've got I just got this rangefinder and so when you golf, you kind of want to you want to know how far you're gonna you're gonna see this not only this rangefinder not only tells you how far it is, but it gives you a pitch elevation and a khaki, it calculates, you know, if you were supposed to shoot 100 yards normally and because of the pitch, now you need to shoot 130 So you grab the right club and all that for some of you You're like, move on, move on. Alright, so I'm going to move on. But I just want to point it in. And you may forget everything else I say today, except for the fact that brought out a Cracker Barrel, golf club. But I have all the tools. I have all the tools. And a couple of weeks ago here in this church, we partook in communion. And you may remember that, we asked you to come up. And I had some I had somebody, I had somebody come to me or mentioned me after the service, that they had taken communion for years, 1020 3040 years. And they said, when we took communion that Sunday, it was like getting saved for the first time. Just a powerful, powerful engagement, a pair of powerful moments. And, and oftentimes, I think that we go through things in life, and we can have all the equipment we're gonna have all the equipment. We're gonna have the equipment of worship, we're gonna have the equipment of a church, we're gonna have the, the community and all these pieces. But when we don't utilize them in the proper way, I'm going to say, here we go ready for this. You want to know when I play better golf. When actually play golf more used to go out a couple of times a week, when I was about Niagara Falls, my pastor took me out. And another gentleman in the church would go at like six o'clock in the morning. Play nine holes, actually shot a whole lot better back then, than I do now. When I get out once every three weeks. Every now and then. I even had better equipment now. But when all comes down to it, when you utilize what are you catching us today? So faith this morning is not just as random thing that pops up when you're sick. Faith is not something random that pops up in the middle, you know, I know what the temperature in the room is right now. I'm not like, you know, not like cold or hot. But I sense the presence of God. For miracles that happen in this room this morning. You say? Well, you know, we've done that before we say that before I felt that before. But I want you to hear me today is that when we begin to utilize with our words, with our minds, with our hearts, and we come into agreement with the with the Word of God says about what he can do. Scripture tells me and again, I we can debate it back and forth, that nothing is impossible with Him. And uniquely, whether you're here in this room, or you're watching online today, we've all had moments in our lives. I had a moment I'll be honest with you, I had a moment back in back in December, my mom passed away. Was there not enough faith in the room? For her to be resurrected? Was there not enough faith in the in my my prayers? I mean, I'm the pastor, come on, come on. But when it comes down to it, I have to embrace God saying you know what, Lord, you do things perfect. Not just okay. You do things perfectly. And so I'm able to carry on. So there are people here today that are that struggle with those moments. Why did they get sick? Why am I experiencing this? Now? Let me just let me just point out in life, sometimes we all do stupid things. And then we want God to fix it. And if you don't have to raise your hand, okay? We've all we've all done things and we think God's gonna bless Listen, when you steal you know, when you when you when you? Jesus said render unto Caesar what is Caesar's you know, so basically, you know, if you if you've stolen via the IRS, you've stolen with taxes and all that kind of stuff you've done wrong. But Scripture that also tells us in context of our giving, when we withhold from him, that we've done wrong as well. I have all the equipment. But if we are to practice our faith, if we're to walk in our faith, if we're to elevate our faith, great things can happen. I love the optimist, see glass half full when we cut when we encounter moments when you'll encounter a moment this week, that you'll have every ability to overcome. Only when you encounter a moment of a situation this week, will you immediately run to oh you know I If we can't fix this, or will your faith engage and say, You know what, I'm going to overcome this by the blood of the lamb and the testimony of my words. And I'm going to, I'm going to walk through this I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to pursue and conquer. We have the tools, we have the moments, we have the stuff. Number years ago, there was a book out from a minister. His name is Craig Groeschel. And he wrote, he wrote this book, and it was called the practical atheist, the practical atheist, and basically the book and in the story, he's basically saying that many of us as believers, we function as practical atheists, where we've heard about certain things, and we've seen certain things, but we truly don't engage and we don't believe we don't hope. This is the way it's gonna be. How many more years do I have? How much more time do I have? We have the gear, we had the language. We know the cost me say that, again. We have the gear. We have the language. We know the cost. And so the next few moments, let's put our faith to the work. Let's put our feet to faith. Taking notes this morning, three things. Number one, is this in elevate your faith. Don't forget the title elevate your faith. Number one, faith by itself is dead. faith by itself is dead. I'm going to read a portion of Scripture at a James being in James last week kind of got me in this mode of reading through James and I was like, you know, I just I just feel this this the next moment. James 214. What good is it my brothers and sisters? He's writing to the family and he's writing to full life. If someone claims to have faith, I'm a Christian. I go to church, but has no deeds can such faith, save them? Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes, or daily food? Or utensils, or tables? Or napkins? If one of you says to them Go in peace. Keep warm and fed. Basically. God bless you my hungry brother but does nothing about their physical needs. What good is it? In the same way faith by itself? If it is not accompanied by action? is dead? Let me let me put the I've been put that away. I mean, pick this up. We know what it says. We've heard what it says. We realize that he's already made a way via communion. He paid the price the atone the atonement, he he was the ultimate sacrifice for us. As far as saying Worthy is the Lamb. God you are good or cutting question the James shares here. It's kind of like a negative spin. Well, good as a shirt. How about the car? How about food? Play baseball number of years ago, and I'm surely not in the baseball. physical ability at this at this moment. I played a lot of baseball played something called American Legion baseball, which means it was summer ball. So I played in high school. I played a peewee baseball and all that. And I've ran kind of ran into my, one of the great greater coaches that ever had his name was Tom Eau Claire. And he was from turtle lat. Connecticut. And it was it was kind of kind of neat to be on his team. And he was hard. I mean, he didn't you know, sometimes I will tell you i There were some people who treated with kid gloves because my dad was a pastor. You know, they'd watch what they said around me. Not tamo Claire. All right. I learned words that I'd never heard before from Tom Auclair. And, and I saw how he would emphasize with a red face and I mean steam coming out of his ears when you know, and he spoke to me and it was kind of neat helped me be a better, better person. But when he when he spoke to me, I mean, there were there were times that he does ream me out and I wasn't even starting at the time and I remember going to the dugout, and I remember him, just you know, ripping me a new one for during warm ups bubbling the ball and I'm like there's a high cost here. You know, I realized very, very soon that I had to do do my best and but in this moment, If, for some reason I was never good in the outfield, and if you played on the church softball team at any point, you realized I wasn't necessarily an outfielder. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's because of the lights on a Sunday. You know, it gets they get in my eyes, and all this kind of stuff. But I was always an infielder. I could play third put me at the hot corner, third base, or shortstop and second base, and I caught I pitch and all that, but you put me in the outfield. And so one day, of course, Mr. Eau Claire, coach, Eau Claire puts me out in the outfield, just for practice and catching catching balls. And again, I was I mean, I think I had a panic attack. And he's anxiety all over me. It's kind of like, man, they're, they're gonna find me out here, you know, in judgment judging this ball. And so they're hidden in these balls in the outfield, and some of the guys are, you know, they're just kind of waltzing up and kind of, you know, basket catching and stuff. And, you know, here comes the ball to me, and I miss missed quite a few of them. And tamo, Claire, he would make the statement. He said, If you can touch it, you can catch it. If you could touch the ball, you can catch it. Anybody ever heard anything like that before? If you could touch it, you could catch it. I like to kind of flip that and bring it into the church. If you can believe for it. It can happen. If you can believe for totality of God's totality of vision, totality a person, if you can believe God can heal something, I believe that he can heal it. But you actually have to reach out. Can you imagine? Can you imagine? I should have bought a baseball, can you can you imagine me in the in the outfield, and we've seen Pee Wee's do this right? bringing, bringing our kids up, you know, playing baseball when they're young, they just kind of just kind of stand there. Hit me a ball, you know, they're in the outfield. Here's a glove. The ball goes over here. The ball goes over there. But I want you to get this picture. I'm a Christian. I believe God can do anything. I believe he can change anything. I believe you can heal anyone. I believe any circumstance or situation can change. And I've got the word of God. Right here. Got it all. in it. How many times have we stood? Like the child in the outfield? We didn't hit it to me. I didn't you really think you I have to? I gotta step over here. So I think we have this picture of I think we have this picture of a. And I know it can happen because God can do anything. And I've said this before and I think God they were we pray. Lord, I will share the Lord bless. I need financial blessing. Then we sit and we don't work lording it you know oftentimes, we can part mentalize things in our lives. And we're doing so good in this area. Man worship is great. Come on. I mean, we can I think we need to implement the term year round thing. All right, we got to we all gotta kind of work on that. You know, I mean, like, it's man, it's mandatory. From here on out, okay. When we sing that song I want and if it's if you're just doing this, it's okay. But do something. All right. Do something come on. But we're getting these moments. I believe God can do this. I believe God can do this, but we do nothing with it. Elevate your faith today. You want to see your business, grow better? Pray about it, and implement what God tells you do. Hear what he's saying. I hear God saying today in this room today. Healing will take place. You don't want to how you want to know how unnerving it is to say that. But faith without works. And I'm not just saying to say and I truly I truly sense into my spirit today. I mean, I can't wait we need to we need five minutes from here. Give me Give me because lights can change today in moments like this. And it's not just dependent upon you know, Pastor Nick in the in the prayer team laying hands on you. But this is evangelism. This is this is who God's called us to be that we elevate our game. If you can touch it. You can catch it. If you can believe for it, it can happen if you can touch it. You can catch it pummel Claire, Nikki, get out there and catch that ball. You can touch it, you can catch it. And you might have to go over here a little bit. And you may have to go over here, and you may need a backup. But if you can believe forward, even on a day like today, James 215, suppose a brother or sister is without clothes, and daily food, if one of them says you go and peace, keep warm and fed, God bless you, but does nothing about the physical needs? What good is it? I'll tell you the kind of I'm like, couldn't tell Paul, we have a policy here at the church. And we can rework the policy later if you'd like to. But when it comes down to it, we get phone calls here all the time that people are in need. And some people we just don't know. Can you imagine? I mean, we get the best western pops up on the caller ID. I broke down. You know, this, and we've just learned by his wisdom, we've learned over the years sometimes is people want money for drugs or, or whatever it is. So we Kim is great at this. It's like God bless you, honey. I mean, she She's so kind and sweet. You know, do you know anybody here in the church? Well, no, you know, we have policy here that, you know, by all means, if you if you knew somebody in the church, but if not, there's some other great avenues here. And you may, you may think that's cold. But ultimately, if somebody shows up here at the door of the church, every year at Christmas, we do this Christmas tree card deal. And ultimately, when people show up, they never walk away without something. We've gotten in the car and driven down to the gas station, put gas in people's cars before we just bless them. And you've heard the same before. If God can get it through you, he'll get it to you. So I want to challenge you, I thank God for the entity of the church. But watch what God will do for you, individually and how uses you individually. Here's three definitions of faith. Faith is a willingness to look foolish. Hallelujah. Welcome to full life today. Faith is the willingness to look foolish faith is the process of unlearning our fears. Faith is the process of unlearning our fears, the feeling of rejection? What are they going to say to me? How they're gonna respond? I can tell you in all the years of ministry that I've been a part of, I've had one person, like really reject something I tried to do for them, just one over the years. And guess what? I'm still standing. I'm still believing. And if I saw that person again, I offer again, to help and to support. faith by itself is dead. So it's just the word. You have faith. I got faith. I got faith. Okay, yeah, I got faith. But faith must be shown number two. But someone will say you have faith I have deeds means works. Show me your faith without deeds and I will show you my my faith by my deeds. You believe there is one God good. Even the demons believe that and shudder but I believe in Jesus basically, he basically saying the same same to the church, you know, okay, well, you believe in Jesus, I saw I saw you during worship, I saw you interacting, but are you living it? Are you living to come Monday morning? Is is the Lord on Sunday. So Lord on Monday we shared this last week is the Lord on Sunday, hallelujah. Still Lord on Monday. A life of faith is that we are supposed to forgive people when they hurt us. A life of faith is your life actually is a reflection of faith that you claim to have. A life of faith in Jesus means I am to be generous. A Life in faith in Jesus I am supposed to put the death the lust of my flesh, a life of faith in Jesus I am supposed to put my faith in Jesus not my hands or what I can hustle what I can stir for myself. But someone will say you have faith. Like I have faith I go to I go to full life. How can you not go to full life and I have a theory. How can you like go to church or not have faith? It's like the practical atheist, I believe, I believe but I'm not doing I'm not believing or I'm just doing the minimum Um, Pastor isn't that what I mean? Wouldn't that be okay? Just the middle, I mean, what we get lead, if I just did, if I just immediately if I just did the minimum, I'd invite you to the altar here in a few moments. But if I took the extra step, I would be listening to the Lord for the prophetic, and the direction and the word elevate your faith, elevate your faith. You know, the richest person in the world is not the owner of Amazon, whether you think about it or not, or the owner of thread or whatever form formerly Twitter, or whatever it is. You want to you want to know the wealthiest people in the world. And I know you're thinking when I say wealthy, I mean, obviously, we're powerful, the most powerful people in the world aren't the ones that have finances, or whatever this the most powerful people in the world are repair guys. Think about it. Because when your car's broken, you need to repair it. My son our son called our youngest son called the other day, his frigerator, broken just through the most powerful, powerful man on his radar was a refrigerator repair man. And I want you to hear me today, when you are God's hands, and you are his feet. You are in the repairing business of love, and encouragement, and edification and exhorting. Some of us have issues that are so large, you can come. Doctors can't cure it. Economists can't solve it. Your boss can't get rid of it. Your spouse can't fix it. It's a problem that only Jesus can solve. Because only Jesus has the power to turn around things. But you have to be his hands. And his feet. It's funny during during worship today. And many of you just because I'm, I'm probably I used to be like really self conscious. Now what I care about on Sunday mornings on my phone, believe it or not, I pick my pick my phone up often because there is a there's an app on. There's an app on my phone. That is the thermostat. It's my you got somebody to blame. You blame me. Okay, I got the thermostat on my phone. And we usually run about 7172 degrees, this this air conditioner over my head, the fan is on consistently. It's about 71 degrees. This one here, just for you know, you need to know this. This one here. We turn this one off during the service because it's the loudest one in the room. And I Lord knows I want you to hear everything that I say okay. And so, so we turn that one off, but that one produces the most air to so during worship for the first two or three songs, Rita that's on over your head. That's why it's but you move quite quite. So I mean, you figured it out, right? But you know what? I know when I press the buttons, it's gonna happen. I know my home, my home, I have a remote control for my television. I know. When I pressed the button, it's going to happen. I guess my question this this morning is do you believe it's going to happen when you go before the Lord? Or is it this is whimsical thing like, maybe he'll show up for me. Maybe Maybe he'll do this, maybe he'll do that. faith by itself is dead. Faith must be shown. And number three. Faith has to be doing as the body without the spirit is dead. So faith without deeds is dead. We can say I can say all day long. Matt, God bless that ministry in Spring Hill and Columbia. God bless those people. I'm gonna we're gonna believe that God's gonna bless him. I tell you what, to be able to say you know, I hear you know what? We want you to bless his jacket. Now I do want I do for those of you who are new today. We're so thrilled that you're here. I do forewarn people to bring a sweater here in the house if it gets a little chilly or whatever. But we're not when all comes down to it. Are we truly willing to let faith rise up and to do that You don't earn salvation through works. And you don't do works because you're saved. But you walk in faith because you believe in Jesus. And he's called us to be His hands, His feet, he created us for a purpose. And we find ourselves all different seasons, and I don't want to use use this as an excuse, or shipping income. We all find ourselves a different season. Some of you right now, your main focus is to be the greatest mom, to your adolescent children. Your little your little guys and gals. For some of you, it's to be a leader, it's to be focused here is to be purposeful here, for some of you, you found yourself, you know, and you are, you're an empty nester, and you're able to contribute more time to do this, and then the other thing. But when all comes down to it, I don't think I've ever sat down in my life time and said, You know, I can't do this, I can't do that. I can't pray for you. I can't pray for you. Because I don't believe I can't pray for you because I'm too tired. I can't pray for you. Because, you know, God may not use me. It's the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you. The Bible says he will quicken your mortal body. He'll change things. Now, let Tony I'm not saying you got to run around the church. I'm not saying you got to do Jericho marches and all that kind of stuff. In fact, please, please come back. If the first time I'm not, we're not going to take score for you to turn around on the next song. Okay. We're just not we're not going to do it. But if you do it, it'd be awesome. All right. It has been amazing. You watch it, watch it. Watch what would happen in the house on that song. If we truly just, I mean, gosh. Our time, our evangelism, our abilities, our finances, are all the areas that we need to elevate. faith by itself is that faith must be shown. And faith has to be doing. To summarize, in conclusion, to land the plane, where is your faith today? I hope I hope that if you walked in walked in at A to A to 10 right now. I hope you walked out walked in and your faith was at about eight I hope it has as elevated today that my God can do anything I could I just share his story upon story upon story of God's faithfulness. And I still have to pray. And I still have to believe just because I stand on a platform does not exclude me that I've you know, made it to another rank or whatever it comes down to. I go before the Lord. Lord helped me just like even Kim shared earlier, learning to remove some things here to make more room for you. And that's part of our time this morning. You got some things that you needed to need to be removed. Or there's some things that you're holding on to that you know what, it just, you've just made it all about you. It's a trust. It's a trust issue. That's what it is. To trust issue from relationship. It's a trust issue to your finances. What if I What if what if I do this and it doesn't come back the way I want it? You know what? Look at me. I'm still standing. But if you can touch it, you can catch it. Do you believe God can restore that marriage? Do you believe God can restore that that business that job that favor? They believe God can can heal? I believe it can heal. They're here today you need Jesus as your personal Savior. Ask him in your life. Say Jesus come into my life forgive me my sins. I need you I need you to be the Lord of my life. Change me use me Give me freedom. begin to walk in it maybe maybe you said that prayer 10 years ago like gonna get into the hole once saved, always saved but man if you're not living for Jesus asked him again to come back and start living for Him. Start living for him. Make him Lord of your life. For here today and you need healing, you need healing in your body. I want you to come to this altar area. As we all stand Would you stand with me this morning? If you need healing this morning, I'm gonna ask you to come right now. Don't think about it you know if you need healing, all right. Don't Don't let the enemy come in and say I've been here before done this before said this before. Listen, if I told you that it's 100% Guaranteed unbelieving that it's 100% that God would turn your situation around in Jesus name.


Core Vs. Image // Nick Serban III


Right Way, Wrong Way // Nick Serban III