Winter Season Part 2 // Nick Serban III
Winter Season Part 2 __ Nick Serban III
pray, god, lord, prayer, life, day, told, father, years, pastor, jesus, dream, index card, remember, david wagner, today, cassette tapes, morning, word, desires
Last week, we started the year off with a kind of a step in the direction we talked about a winter season. And obviously, you can go back and listen to the YouTube or whatever there is on Facebook. But just a real quick recap. Ecclesiastes tells us this for everything, there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. And so we process that we talked about, you know, they're there, you know, winter, spring, summer fall, all you have to do is call and sometimes we find ourselves in different seasons. And the great thing about seasons is seasons always change. And whether you're, if you're in the spring, you usually go in the summer, usually to go backwards. And so even in the concept, if we happen to be in this winter, Arctic season, in the natural, but maybe you feel that way, spiritually, maybe you feel that way, in your walk with the Lord, maybe you feel that way with your communication with the Lord, I want to challenge you that He still hears today. He still moves today, there are still miracles today, if I were to tell you this, just to kind of I just send to my spirit, there's miracles in the house today. And I know I've said that before. But then like, I got, you know, I got somebody over here saying to me and my ear, and there's really, it's you know who that is. They're saying, you've said that before, but I'm just telling you, I just sense the presence, the mighty puff, I believe that addictions are loosed this morning. I believe I believe you're never gonna smoke a cigarette again in your life, or vape. I believe that there's some things that even during this this time of prayer and fasting and and obviously, you know, we had we secretly under the carpet in the front, we had a we have a scale setup. And so we actually weighed less this week than we did last week corporately. I'm only kidding. I'm only kidding. But as we as we just purpose in our hearts, God continues to show up and show off. God is here in our midst, even right now. We talked about corporate prayer. We talked about it encourages us, it disciples us, it disciplines us, it's a great habit for for starts to are better than one because there was good reward of one further toil is there's alignment. There is a built up unity within within the house. And then last but not least, that focuses on evangelism. Because ultimately, we can't contain the goodness of the Lord can't contain how he directs and how he continues to provide and how powerful and how mighty. That is. It Luke chapter 11 says One day Jesus was praying in a certain place when he finished one of the disciples said to Him, Lord, teach me to pray for the next few moments this morning. And I'll depending how you respond. I mean, if you just give it to me, I can be done very shortly. But if you just sit there, I got three hours right here. All right. Thank you just knocked off five minutes. But here's the disciples were asking, you know, teach me to pray. We've just come through a week of corporate prayer. One night, we had close to 50 people here other nights, you know, 3041 night was 20. But when it all came when it came down to it, you know, here we we've kind of gone through or whatever we're not done yet. But sometimes don't we get kind of weary during during the journey. I mean, if you did anything, if you give up a Starbucks this past week, if you gave up chicken, if you gave up Chick fil A, if you gave him whatever you gave up during the time, it's kind of like maybe your body's craving that. But at the end of the day, we're supposed to supplement that and turn that around to crave the Lord and crave what he wants, and what he desires. I don't know about you, but I want God in my family and for my family. I got boys that are basically all out of the house. But you know, I'm still praying for those boys. And I'm praying for their wives, and I'm praying for those grandbabies. And I call them out by name. And sometimes I think that, you know, just by, I'm just thinking about this, and I know God, God, God knows what we're thinking. But there's something about declaring it. There's something about saying it, somebody need to get up in the morning, begin to walk around your house and call your family out by name through a circle. They started just to start going and watch what happens. I remember years ago, I was it was in a luncheon up in upstate New York, where they're getting some snow. And there was an evangelist, his name was Joe Johnson, and I'm telling you, Joe Johnson. He's got some brothers, and you don't know the brothers. But Joe was an evangelist and he was he getting the Cadillac that he had, and he would drive around the country and somehow the pastor that my mentor, they were good friends, and he'd show up every year and do a week of revival services. And I remember he he the greatest thing I remember about him is one thing I'm going to share you but the other thing he Hidden, he had this, like these huge hands. These fingers were like this long, I'm telling you, you know, so when he's when he's speaking, you see these fingers go on, he's kind of like, you know, he's pointing at you in that process. But during this one day, there was a gathering of ministers. And I was, again early, early 20s. I mean, so many years ago. Here he is at the luncheon, he before he prays, and I remember him getting up and praying for all these ministers, that could be very intimidating. And he prayed a prayer. And it was it was a prayer, and I don't have a quote it but I can, you know, when you're around somebody, and they pray, and it's kind of like, I know that God heard that just then. Because there was something in the words that he said, in fact, I remember going home that day and saying, I don't know how to pray. We're praying all my life, but compared to this prayer, I mean, it was, it was like an A plus compared to you know, my, my, my possible D minus, you know, in the process. And you just noted they that God desires relationship with us. And I know some of this is basic, basic, basic, but some of us does need some basic, basic, basic and get back to basic, basic, basic love God, love people. Courage, one another. But have you ever been in a moment? It's kind of like, you know, I don't know what to pray. I don't know what to say, I don't know how to do this, you know, I don't want to believe anymore. Or how about this? And this is probably the maybe a bad way, bad way to start. But how many? Not with a show of hands this morning. But how many would say, you know, and I've been praying for something for years. And I'm not seeing God come through. And maybe your faith is in Iraq to the point of saying, you know, I don't really know if I'm gonna believe anymore. Man that was just so hyper. That was so emotional. That was so whatever. done praying for that. I don't believe him for that. But this morning, for the next few moments, I want to talk about prayer. And I talked about expanding your mind, expanding your heart. For lack of anything else, believing again, we're in 21 days of prayer and fasting, your name will be called out before the Lord. Your family will be called up before the Lord. We will intercede, we will intercede even more. And we will sense the direction, the deliverance and the freedom of God Almighty. In John 1413. Through 14 It says this, whatever you ask in my name, this I will do that the Father may be glorified in the sun. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it. Ever wonder why. Often when people pray, they say in the name of Jesus. Amen. His name is powerful. Emanuel. There's 100 different ways. You can look his name up. There's healing in His name. There's deliverance in his name. There's purpose in his name. Let me say if you feel that you're never going to advance any further than you are. If you feel that this is the best life will ever be for you. I want to encourage you to call on the name of Jesus, to walk in freedom even as we declared earlier during worship, I tell you what, don't let any of those areas attach themselves to your life. You got if you had bitterness because we already prayed you had bitterness. Don't let it creep back in. You got problem was with anger. I could tell you what, let let whatever happened. never happen again. And walk out these doors to say I'm a new man. I'm a new woman. Though your spouse may irritate you. I'm a new man. I'm a new woman. And keep going and keep running. The boundaries of our personal prayer lives often have less to do with biblical restrictions, and more to do with the limitations we place on them. I wish I had a Hammond be organ right about now. You don't have to go. I just want to I just want to run. God can do anything. There are no limitations on what he can do. Certainly, there are protocol pieces. Certainly there are things that we need to you know, be in alignment in our spirits. Certainly there are things that he tells us we have not because we ask not. And yet, when did we get so prideful and so arrogant that we stopped asking and just clicking our feet together and kind of just wishing when I wish upon a star? Wow. What have we gotten to a place where we've not separated ourselves? I think come before a holy father and said, Lord, unless you show up, unless you go with us, I'm not going. You're the one of the songs we've been. We've been trying to sing. We someone introduced it last Sunday, and we've been singing it all week. Show me your face, Lord. Show me your face. Now, biblically, we can't see the face of God. You know, there's different, you know, heads and faces and all this, but ultimately, show me your presence. Lord. Lord, let the presence that I experienced today go with me in my car, when I drive home. Let your presence go with me in my home, that I experienced you around the dinner table that I experienced to you in relationship, in friendship, and in kindness. Watch what he does. But how many times have we put restrictions? I don't know. You know, I know God he'll he'll Jonathan, but your situation, you know, it's a little more difficult. I know that God restored this relationship here, pull this marriage back together, but you know your situations. I whenever we turn into God, whenever we turn into, beyond being spirit led, be start declaring things that are not becoming to the mighty God that we serve. how expansive is your view of the power of God has now taken over? Where faith once stood? Would you pray for a mountain to be moved? When's the last mountain you prayed to be moved? I was talking to intercessor this week. And they told me they traveled around around the country interceding. I know it's gonna sound funny, or jokingly, I said to them, and I had never actually spoken with them before. And I said, Nick Serban. IV looked at me. And I'm like, That's my name. Call my name out before the Lord. Because I believe in intercession. I believe you the poor, we pray for one another, we encourage one another. Do you pray for parking spots at the local Costco? Do you intercede for friends with cancer? Do you pray for your finances? different categories? Do you pray for the government? Do you pray for finance? And I'm not talking about his gas money. I mean, even though that's, that's quite a lot here in his neck of the woods. But are you praying and believing for Kingdom finances? I'll often say if God can God, God will get it to you. If he can get it through you. 10 zucchinis nine are yours. One unto the Lord. I was cucumbers. But I felt zucchinis the less we pray, the smaller our lives will become. The less we pray less be coming for him the smaller our lives will become one of the devil's primary tactics is to help you contain your prayer life. He just wants to minimize it kind of wants to button it up. And one of the one of the greatest things he does is because we're a feely touchy feely society. You know, we can go Burger King and have it our way. And somehow, some way the enemies come in. And when we don't I'll be honest with you. If you don't get back into the habit of corporate prayer, you don't get back into the habit. There's not a whole lot of people that can be like, Oh, I can't wait to pray for an hour today. Let me break over my break open my Bible, my devotional for the next 15 minutes and just pause. Oftentimes, we have the purpose we to discipline ourselves in these areas. He fears nothing from Prayerless studies. The enemy fears nothing from Prayerless work Kornati he fears nothing about prayer lists church and prayer lists people. One that was good right there. I mean, he laughs at our, our toil, he mocks our wisdom. But here's where your trembles. He trembles when we pray. He trembles when we pray and go before him. Because that's when He speaks to us. That's when he shows up and shows off when we pause in His presence. Three things this morning. As we ask, seek and knock. Asking prayers. Asking prayers. Like all other forms of prayers is about relationship and accepted 10 Verse one accessory there was a man named Cornelius We've heard about cronyism many times, the centurion and in what was known as the Italian regimen. He and all his family were devout and fear, God fearing he gave generously to those in need, and pray to God regularly. Now when angel comes down tonight, he's gonna put a little a little bio about you. Or they're gonna say, Don, he prays regularly. Nick, he prays regularly. Stacy, he fits me in every now and then. Kim one hour, every day we do we rejoice. Do we push? Do we say hey, here I am. Or are we disciplining ourselves? To say, You know what? This is my time right here. I brag on my, my wife. She has a I have a different routine. I won't get into my routine in the morning. But here's Kim's routine. Usually I'm up first. She walks out. Coffees, we have figured out how to program our coffee maker. So it actually makes coffee on its own. And I mean, it's like the Lord shows up in our house. Every I mean, I walk out and I'm like, I smelled the glory here. She has a coffee. She goes in the front room that we have is an office just without and and I don't hear from her for 45 minutes to an hour. And I've learned over the years that I try not to bother her. I mean, I've done I think I've done a whole lot better. No, hurry. But I but I know that your time. You know, and and there's nothing that's gonna move it from a time if we got to come to work early. We got something going on. It's kind of like, no. It's those moments. But she's disciplined enough to know that. If she starts today and gets going, she's probably not coming back to that moment. And the same thing in our life. We need to be in the in the posture of asking first multiple times a day. You know, there's some other organizations, religious organizations, they pray three times a day. Where do you think that started? Within Christendom, within followers of God, Daniel, opening up his windows Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. They were known for prayer moments, they were known for times of prayer. Mark Patterson says this, When you pray to God regularly, irregular things happen will happen on a regular basis. And when you pray to God regularly, irregular things will happen on a regular basis. Get ready, there's a word here's your word for 2020 For more 24 and, and double. Get ready for irregular things to happen when you begin to pray regularly. Now, when I say irregular things, I don't think I'm not saying bad things. I'm saying good things. When I was a junior junior in high school, my dad pastored a church pastored here for a number of years. And so he came home. We lived in a in a farm house in Eastern Connecticut. We had hay field in front of us cow field inside of us cornfield behind us. And I remember I know we have a unique audience here. How many remember cassette tapes? cassette tapes. And so he and I mean, it's amazing today. Well, you can I mean, you can go on the internet and get anything you want basically, even like teaching tapes, I mean, we did the I mean we got hauled two hours to go to a seminar. Now you can watch on a YouTube not leave your house, right? And but he had gotten these cassette tapes from this about this minister from South Korea. And his name was Pastor Paul, young GI Joe, Paul, young GI Joe, and I'm already listening to it. He's studying for something and you've probably teaching teaching the church something to that point. And I don't know what provoked him other than the provocation of a father. He came to me and said, he said, You should listen to this. And so they got these cassette players and you had to press a button. And I remember the first time the little side note the cassette tape, you can you can erase the tape and you can tape record over I remember one time he told me to erase the tape and I remember actually grabbing a pencil eraser trying to like bring it through because I didn't realize you just anyway, that was that was that was silly. It was silly. Anyway, so he said, listen to this, listen to this tape, but I remember going to listen to it. And, man, I was a middle of high school, I was middle of playing sports and all this kind of stuff. And it said on this tape, that we need to go to the Lord and ask him specifically for things. And it's okay to do that. And, and not that I didn't believe it at that point. But I thought, and then he started getting into the details. He said, You know, if you're praying for a lifetime partner, you know, one day you want to get married, go ahead and put on a piece of paper and begin to pray that before the Lord. And, of course, I mean, I'm adolescent, Junior, you know, I was ready to get married, then, you know, and, and so, you know, I'm just hypothetically just kind of threw it out. And it was a lot to think about, it's kind of like, well, you know, how, how specific is gonna look in here, you know, and, and I'm thinking, you know, I color you know, height, gifts, you know, talents, you know, family, all this kind of stuff. And so I happen to actually write down on the index card, a bunch of different qualities I was looking for, in my wife as a junior in high school. And so oftentimes, during the DD dating scene, you know, I'd come across and in the back of my mind, I, you know, I'd have this picture of who was in this picture, and they didn't necessarily line up and be like, Well, I'm kind of lonely, you know. So I would evangelistically date and think, Wait, well, maybe God will pull this person this, you know, this this way, and all that. And, and so, make a long story short. Three years later, four years later, I actually well, actually, five years later, I actually married the girl on the index card. All those years later. Now, what I learned from that, I learned that God is faithful. Also learn that oftentimes, God is at least looking for a directional piece. And I gotta tell you, maybe I read a chapter on this, or in my book one day, is that I didn't pray that every day. I didn't like pull a card out and say, Lord, here we go, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. But God knew my heart. And God knew my moments. So when you're gonna go home today, and whether it's a lifetime partner you're looking for, or whether it's something else you're looking for, I would encourage you write it down before the Lord. Speak it if before the Lord and watch how he answers prayer. Anybody uncomfortable hearing them around the room. Are you excited about how he answers prayer? I mean, crazy stuff. I put that as you as a junior in high school. I mean, there were a whole lot more girls to date, from junior to going to college and ministry and all this kind of stuff. I put on there that I wanted her to have blue eyes. I put on there that I wanted. I wanted to I was hoping that she could play the piano because I played the cello. I put I put on there that I hope that she was from a pastor's family and a pastor's daughter. Now, I mean, we had a small church in southern New England. I mean, there was there were three kids in the youth group, me and my two sisters. But somehow, what God had put in me and stirred in me, was something that I believe the enemy would have robbed would have robbed if I hadn't taken the time. Listen, I want to give you permission today to pause your life to pause an hour in your life. Pause an hour this afternoon before the snow comes. Alright. Pause and lay up before the Lord what's on your heart. It's okay, turn the person next to you tell them it's okay. It's okay to dream. Dream again. There's a word for you dream again. I'm not talking about nightmares. I'm talking about dreaming that God puts in your heart. Cornelius, he prayed to God regularly. The problem is when God is doing what we want and not doing what we want and we expect him to do we tend to judge our spiritual worth and the results we come into we come into church it's kind of like you know, takes me about the third song to get into worship, you know, because I'm just not quite sure if God is with me. Listen, if you've asked Jesus Christ into your life, do you need to re up that today dude before you leave? I hope you all have you feel the process. live for Jesus make him Lord not a name not you know a tattoo but someone in your life that you honor that you respect that you live for that He's everything that you do everything that you say you are a man of God, you are a woman of God. Matthew seven seven through 10 asking it will be given to you seek and you will Find knock. And the door will be open to you for everyone who asks receive, and the one who seeks finds into the one who knocks, the door will be open. Here's another translate, the one who asks, the door will be open. If it lines up with God, it will line up for you. But you have to get into that alignments that alignment takes sacrifice. That alignment takes only for the mechanic, the Holy Spirit to say, You know what, your wheels are not lined up, one's going this way and one's going this way. But if you want to live a smooth ride, if you want to make it for the kingdom sake, get aligned with our Savior. Jesus was saying that whenever we ask in prayer, you open up the familiar the family lines of communication, when you go to daddy, when you go to Abba, Father. There wasn't much my dad kept for me, my mom and dad kept for me. We didn't have much. We shot the Salvation Army when it wasn't popular. We receive government cheese and government honey, we learn how to make iced tea at a honey. We didn't have much I would wear his Hami downs. Sunday mornings, I get some great I mean, I got ties. I mean it was it was it was amazing. But I know my dad would never wouldn't on sports came up when an opportunity came up to whatever I had the best I could get of cleats, or the best glove or the best bet or the best equipment. Because when you go to your father, he's not going to withhold. But you've got to ask, you've got to be in relationship. Asking prayers acts as a gateway to knowing God as Father, the more you will come to know him as if you want to know goddess, Father begin to assault the throne means go before His throne. Simply reverently, humbly. Jump 14th, or main scripture and I will do whatever you ask in my name. So that the Father may be glorified in the Son, that you may ask me for anything in my name. And I will do it is a Greek word, go and throw that throw that up there. Which means to ask. And in this word, it's used 213 times in various forms in the New Testament. The low and this word can be translated into basic basically this just to summarize, into wishes, or desires. So that means you're not a robot, or a robot. That means that you have been formed, you've been wonderfully made. And you have the ability to dream because of the way of the DNA that's in your life and body, like the way God made you individually. And the things that you're dreaming, I may not be dreaming, but because you're dreaming them. And if they're in alignment with God. That means eight times out of 10, nine times out of 10 that is what God wants for you. Polycom GI Joe, index card, as a junior in high school, writing down. She's got to be beautiful. I mean, I'm married that when it comes when it comes down to those things, what are you dreaming? What are you hoping for? And don't tell me you're not dreaming anymore? Don't tell me you're not hoping anymore. And if that's that seems to be the case. Do not leave here this morning. Without the dream stirred back up without the hope served back up to dream again to hope again to live again. It's translated wishes or desires, some translations of the Bible. It's been that way. But the more expansive understanding of this word is that he's willing. There's a free pass for you. There's a hall pass for you. Right? There's willingness. As crazy as it may seem, there is a willingness on his part. John 15 Seven. Jesus said, If you abide in me and my word abides within you, Filo, you shall filo what you will and it will be done for you If you abide in him, I've just given the keys to the kingdom this morning. If you will abide in Him, if you'll live the righteous life, if you'll separate from what the world tells you is right, and DO what He tells you is right. Don't limit the power of God. Today. It seems that Jesus is challenging us to ask for more than we just want or wish. He's daring us to ask for whatever we might be willing to ask for. Think about that. You think you're a cookie cutter? You're not. You're an individual. Built by God, made in heaven. People that love the USA, but this trumps the USA your body was formed. Before it was even in your mother's womb. He created you. Your being and he asks us to dream big. He asks us to believe that's why today. When I when I made the comment, you know, are you praying for finances in your life? You know, so I'm making enough to get by, you know, I'm in the top one. Pastor, you said I'm in the top one percentile. But what do you do with that? You know, God, God's called somebody to be givers above and beyond the zucchinis. Cucumbers, but tomatoes, the sheep that we would resist position ourselves. You know, a couple years ago, I'm still praying. I think I've told the body here, David Wagner, who by the way will be here. first weekend of March ministering here at the house and I'm praying for a jet for him. I'm praying for like a like not because he's some, you know, highfalutin. Alligator wearing shoe and those. I've never heard of that pair alligator shoes. Maybe I liked them. I don't know. But what's up, ask whatever, you know. But you know, in in this moment, he spends more hours in the airport, going to places even when he's raising a family. And so I've told him that I've been praying for a jet for you. Jets are expensive. Have you ever bought one recently, but I mean, they cost they cost some money, not not just a biojet. But the rent a jet to keep a jet. You gotta pay for a pilot. You gotta pay for the gas, the upkeep and all this kind of stuff. Do you think God can do that? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, I'm not gonna let you get by with that. Do I mean, do you really think that God could do that? Do you think that God could help provide this building we're in? It's about 11,000 square feet. It's really kind of small compared to what we're doing. But I've been praying that God would provide 40 to 60,000 square feet of building space. Now, what will we do with it? Oh, we'll figure it out. But do you believe? But do you know that you're part of the process of that happening? Not only to pray, but God begins to line up your dreams. And he begins to blow up your businesses, he begins to turn things around and bring wisdom to the house and helps provide now sure enough, God could show up and say, you know, somebody knocks on the door and says, Hey, I want to buy your building. And I want to I want to swap land with you. You know what? Hallelujah. But when it comes down to it, in my position, am I positioning myself? Yes. Might I pray for 10 years? Maybe? When I pray for 10 days, maybe? Man pay for 10 weeks? Maybe? By the way, I've been praying for about three years for David Wagner's private jet. Didn't gotta get he flies first class. So He's almost there. Hey, I'm gonna tell you what, I still believe cockin doing? And guess what? The maturity part of me is this is this. If he chooses not the blessed David that way? Guess what? I'm still okay. I still believe he can. And if I'm the only one on the prayer list as an intercessor for him that's praying for a jet. So be it. Because one day I'm just aiming for the Lord. And he's gonna say thank you for praying for that. I had some other plans, but you took a hold of the dream and the vision. What dream and vision Have you taken a hold of that you will be found faithful with The gifts, the plans, the hopes. Jesus is daring us daring you to pray for things you might not necessarily want. But that you are willing to be part of me read this last statement is it not fair that if God is willing to do whatever we ask of him that we might offer the same in return? Is it not fair that if God is willing to do whatever we ask of him, that we might offer the same in return? What's it look like? It might mean that it's simply forgiving the person that hurt you. It might mean, actually saying a prayer for our government and our leaders it might mean, on those tins, hakuna zucchinis, you got you given the time, but there's something stirred in your spirit that you got to go back. And the Lord impresses upon you. You know what, give two more. That's called, you know, that's called an offering. Get the time you got the offering? I know it's simple. I know. It's, it's one of those things. Oh, Pastor, I do this pastor, I do that. You don't know my situation. I may not. But I know somebody who does. And I know someone that made it all. And I know someone who provided the opportunity for an amazing relationship with Him. That we can be so close to him, whether in Costco, we're in Publix, or the Department of Motor Vehicles, whether we're in the locker room in the hallway of a school, or they're on our job, that he can whisper to us and say, go to the left here. Go to the right here, minister to this person. Be my hands be my feet. Over the last three months, four months, toward the end of the year. There was something that was kind of continued to run out in our messages. And it was at the Lord's returning soon. These I think it's almost eerie, uncanny. We don't hear we hardly hear about a war in Israel anymore. May very little not compared to what it used to be. And we're more concerned about Taylor Swift showing up to a chiefs game. But I want to I just want to remind you today because one day, I'll be judged twice as hard for being a presenter a teacher, pastor. I want you to hear me today. He's coming soon. Jesus will return for his church. pre trip post trip midrib no trib. You've heard me say not really doesn't really matter to me, where you land, but that you're ready. If you're not living for Jesus today, if he's not number one in your life, hear me? Hear me today. Get right with Jesus. He's a forgiver of sins. He desires righteousness from us. pure hearts, clean hands that we're doing and saying, and being everything he's called us to be. To simply saying, Jesus come into my life. Come, Jesus, I want to live for you. I want to serve you. I want to follow you can tell you what, full life this upcoming year can make a difference. Like we never imagined in this community. Not relying upon one person, one person or a group that stands on a platform. But watch this year. If you'll get grab a hold of this prayer piece. This asking prayer, how he'll change things, how he'll provide for things. I told you this could be the you know, we're more than 24 We got a good thing. If I told you this could be one of the greatest years you've ever had. Would you sulk? Would you be like ah, we'll see what happens. I want to challenge this Start contending for it. Start believing for it, start praying into it. Start speaking into it. Start showing up a little early for church. You know, we're going to start intercessory time here on Sunday mornings from nine to 930. We're doing it for a couple reasons. One, if you're working on a Sunday morning in our kids ministry or whatever, you can come, the worship team is still going to be rehearsing the words will be on the screen, you can actually participate in worship. And we're going to pray and we're going to believe because guess what, we did it this morning. And do you see what God's doing? That's what you're feeling right now. The power of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter in the house. We just stand with me this morning.