Update Required // Nick Serban IV
Update Required __ Nick Serban IV
jesus, zacchaeus, man, receive, chief tax collector, god, crowd, tree, heart, climb, life, walks, people, coach, place, shift, church, knew, encounter, position
Come on, let's go, Hey, can we give God praise in this house? Let's go. It's gonna be a good day. Hey, if you have your Bibles, open up with me to Luke chapter 19, I don't have a lot of time, because worship was awesome. I feel like I'm still in the afterglow of that. But I want to get you out of here on time. And I want the Holy Spirit to speak to you today. Amen. How many of you are ready to receive from the Holy Spirit? Let's go. It's gonna be a good day. Luke chapter 19. And for those of you wondering, I was out of out of town last week, I was in Vietnam, and also in Japan, and Tokyo. And I was visiting some of the missionaries that we support as a church. And let me just tell you, God is moving. Not just here, but around the world. In Vietnam, there's going to be in the next couple of years, there are plans to plant over 30 churches, all throughout this very communist nation. And God yell it can be praised, it was so good. I got to connect with the low Rance family in Japan with their international church. And it was, it was wild, I kid you not their sanctuary was about the same size as this section. And they fit over 100 people, like right here, like they were sitting on top of each other people, people so desperately wanted to be there and God was moving. Miracles are happening. And it's just an amazing thing to see what God is doing around the world. Are you there? Luke 19. All right. Let me let me read this for you. This is Jesus, Jesus entered Jericho, and was passing through. And there was a man named Zacchaeus. Everybody says that he is he was a chief tax collector, and was rich, and he was seeking to see who Jesus was. But on account of the crowd, he could not because he was of small stature. So he ran on ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him, for he was about to pass that way. And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up, and he said to him that kiss, hurry and come down for a month, stay at your house today. So he hurried and he came down, he received him joyfully. And when they when they saw it, this is the crowd. They all grumbled. He has gone into be the guest of a man who is a sinner, and Zacchaeus stood. And he said to the Lord, behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor. And if I've defrauded anyone of anything, I restore it fourfold. And Jesus said to him, today, salvation has come to this house, since he is also a son of Abraham, for the Son of Man came to seek and save the last God, I pray you, bless this word, and transform our hearts today. Amen. Come on. I want to break this down. I feel like this is a story if you've been in Sunday school, you know, the, the song Zacchaeus was a wee little man and a wee little man was he. And if you didn't grow up in church, you're never gonna sing that song again. So it doesn't really matter. I'm not going to teach it to you. All right. It's a song for kids. And it's really funny, because I feel like we we read over this tech sometimes. And if we have any sort of connection to it, we're just kind of like, you know, yeah. Zacchaeus. Yeah, he was a short guy. And he, he got caught up in a tree. And there's nothing really special about that. But let me tell you, this could be the key for someone today. To have a authentic encounter with Jesus that you've never had before. I believe something is going to shift. Let me let me break this down for you again. Zacchaeus was in Jericho, Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem. And he's actually on his way to be crucified. He knows that the crowd doesn't really know that the disciples kind of know that they're still in denial, right? But he has to pass through Jericho in order to get there. And if you've read in the Old Testament, Jericho was a city that, you know, we circled seven times, and the walls came tumbling down. Well, they rebuilt the city. Right, and it's in it's actually a very prosperous trading city. They produce a lot of dates and balsam, or it's called The Balm of Gilead, if any of you heard of the balm of Gilead before. This is where it was produced. And it says in Scripture that Zacchaeus was not just a tax collector, but he was a chief tax collector. And there's no other time in scripture where this is mentioned, the chief, he's the only chief tax collector in the Bible. What's interesting is because of that distinction, we can kind of assume that he was sort of like the regional tax collector, maybe it was like a Ponzi scheme. And he had like other tax collectors under him and they all had to kick up to him or maybe it's like the mafia, I don't know. But like, he was the chief tax collector over the region, and the fact that he was rich. If you look at Jewish history in Jewish Times, the fact that he was rich meant that he was skimming off the top because you can't be be rich and a tax collector unless you're taxing beyond what the Roman Empire needed. And so he would do everything he could in order to get extra money out of people. And this is why he was rich. If you were a rich tax collector, you are rogue, you are a sinner. And the Jewish people, they hated guys like him because he was a Jewish man himself. And he was working for the Romans to tax his own people. So again, people did not like Zacchaeus at all. And what's funny, too, is his name. Zacchaeus actually means pure one. But he was anything but pure, right? Here's it, here's what's so cool. Zacchaeus he wanted to see Jesus. This is towards the end of Jesus's ministry, the three years that he was on this earth again, he's on his way to be crucified. So Zacchaeus he had heard of Jesus at some point. He may have heard of miracles, you may heard of some of his teachings, but he had not yet seen him for himself. And so he was seeking after him. But it's very funny to me that, again, we can sing the song he was a wee little man. But Scripture makes note of the fact that he was short. I don't know if he was like a little person or whatever. But he was short in stature, to the point where he could not see past the crowd. And honestly, that the Jewish people, they probably hated this guy so much that he betrayed his own people. They, I bet you they elbowed him a little bit. When he tried to look up and see Jesus, I bet they purposely tried to block him knowing here comes the shorty here comes back he is the chief tax collector. The Jew who's not really a Jew. And let's just push him back here. But but sees that he has I don't know if he had like the, you know, I would say Napoleon Complex because that's but the Polian hadn't been alive yet. I would say small dog complex, you know, when you have a small dog, and they think they're a big dog. And so they just like bark all the time. Like, don't mess with me. I feel like Zacchaeus had this sort of tenacity, this attitude. And again, the fact that he's this he's the short man in stature. He may have been bullied his whole life, I don't know. But the fact that he had the tenacity to become a rich man. And a hunger to become this wealthy man to spite his disadvantages goes to show why he would do something that's a little undignified, especially of a rich man. Usually when we have we have wealth, we can pretty much buy the things we want in order to make us happy. Now again, money is not what makes us happy, but you know, it definitely makes life easier. Zacchaeus had probably an easier life once he gained wealth, but it could not buy him an audience with Jesus. Here that church Your Money cannot buy you an audience with Jesus. And so what did Zacchaeus do? You can sing the song he climbed up in a sycamore tree but again for a wealthy man like this, too, with his robes on and with his is probably his gold chain to climb up into this tree would have been seen as a little bit crazy. It would have been seen as a little bit childish and immature, like what is this guy doing? And again, people already don't like him. But he was desperate to see Jesus and was willing to put himself in a position that would be somewhat humiliating to most people. Him was willing to climb up into this tree just for the chance to see Jesus. He wasn't gonna let the crowd or the people that he was around him to block his view or keep him from this moment is encounter. He just wanted to see Jesus for himself. So I have to ask you today are you willing to put yourself in a position to encounter Jesus that makes you a little uncomfortable? Are you willing to put yourself in a position to see Jesus that is different from what the crowd is doing? Because it's easy to fall in line even when we get into circles like this. It's easy to kind of do what everyone else is doing and feel like you know, we're we're kind of just unnoticed, you know, creeping back into the bushes. That was like a Simpsons meme referenced if any of you got that Yeah, you know, just like, No one can see me. I'm just watching. It's easy to just be an observer when we're in the crowd. But if we want to see Jesus and have a real encounter with Him, we have to be counterculture rule. We have to step into an area, not just on Sunday mornings, but in our, in our day to day lives that looks a little bit different. If we want to be noticed by Jesus, when he walks into the room, are we positioning ourselves in a place where we can get noticed? I remember I played I played soccer growing up. I wasn't the greatest soccer player, but I had a great coach. My dad was my coach, praise God. And one of the things that he always taught me again, I we didn't have like a ton of money, you know, as Piquet's growing up, you know, I went to a soccer camp at one point, but I didn't get to play travel or do any of this crazy stuff. And I didn't really matter to me, but I didn't have the skill set that everyone else on the team had, I barely made my high school team, my senior year, barely. And I know this because my coach told me you barely made it onto this team. I was just like, Okay, thanks, coach. Appreciate it. And I knew I wasn't ever going to start. I mean, I could barely even start on the JV team. This is this is what I was. And I'm not gonna swear like my coach did. But he said, You're the biggest out here. I was really tall. I just hit my growth spurt, my senior year. And so I was this tall. And all these other guys were like this tall. So I was I was a big guy. And I would play kind of a utility position. I would play defense when they needed defense, and I'll play offense when they needed the offense. If there was a guy that was messing around and, you know, drawn fouls, or, or score a lot of goals for coaches say, Hey, Nick, go get this guy out of the game. I got like four yellow cards, and I got thrown out of the game one time like it was, this was my job. And I was okay with it. And I knew I knew that unless I did something to get noticed by my coach, I would not get to play that weekend. I knew I knew that if in practice, I didn't go all in all out. My coach was not going to let me play. It was like the Rudy the Rudy scenario, the Rudy movie. I don't know if you've seen before, but I would practice as hard as if I was playing. I don't know my dad used to say, you know, 5050 ball, it's your ball. You got to be aggressive. I hurt kids on my team during practice. Not so that I could take that position. But because I was going so hard. I wanted my coach just to see me. Are we doing that in our faith? Are we going after Jesus so hard, whether it's in the secret place, or on a Sunday morning? Are we trying to be noticed? By God, I think sometimes we can we can play the holy reverence card. And we can play this well. God sees me. He knows me all the things. But something interesting happens. Zacchaeus is up in the tree. Again, he's in this humiliating sort of position. He had all this effort to get there. And when Jesus walks by, he doesn't say, Hey, you. He says Zacchaeus. See, when we pursue Jesus in ways that may humble us, we become known by Jesus. When we're willing to become noticed, he notices us and He knows us by name. Are we positioning ourselves for an encounter with Jesus? Or are we just letting him pass by? Are we peeling back away from the things that we have to do in prioritizing Jesus? Are we continually putting ourselves in a position to encounter him? And I'm not just talking about Sundays. Because man, worship was incredible. I don't know if you entered in, but I did. I mean, I thought Blaine got slain in the spirit back here. You know, during worship, he just dropped his guitar. I was like, Dang Holy Spirit. Let's go. Let me just hit you with this really quick. Because I don't want you to get this twisted. It's not about your position. Because I think sometimes we think that if we have a little bit of a change of scenery, that things would change in our faith. We think a change of season might be the difference, a new vision, new goal, new job. You know, maybe if I, if I divorce my wife, you know, I have a better relationship with Jesus. suck the air out of the room, let's go. But hear me I think so many times as Christians, we focus on this outward change, and changing all the things around us. And the last thing that we will often change is here. It wasn't it wasn't the position of being up in the tree. For is that he is, although that was really cool. But it was the position and the willingness of his heart to actually climb the tree in the first place. It was this like childlike giddiness and excitement that that Jesus is coming in is going to be passing by, and I want to see him. And in turn, he actually ends up fulfilling this kind of prophetic word that Jesus shares in Matthew 18, verse three says, Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted, and become like children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. It was this childlike curiosity that drove Zacchaeus up into the tree. It wasn't, I just need to get a better view. Maybe I need to go to a different church. Maybe I need to change where I'm, I'm living, maybe I need to move out. And I need to make a change here. You know. It wasn't about the position of him physically. To see the dream that he had in his heart, it was his hearts position that needed to change in order for him to encounter Jesus. Some of you may feel stuck right now, some of you may feel bored. Some of you may feel like I'm in a rut right now in my relationship with Jesus. Don't think for one second, that if you go down the street to some other church, or you go over and join this other study, or you start listening to this speaker, or this podcast, that it's going to make the difference. It's the heart. Because it's the shifting of your heart that the the Lord begins to speak to you begins to build that passion, that excitement, and then you start to realize, like, I'm kind of doing some crazy stuff right now. And, and it's because I love Jesus. I just want to see, maybe, maybe you feel like you haven't even seen Jesus yet. But you said yes to Him, and you're following him. But maybe you've been in the crowd all this time. And today can be the day where you something stirs in you and it just clicks in. Your heart can begin to shift into the right position. Someone say amen. It wasn't about the tree. It was about his heart and climbing the tree. It's like this. I remember when I met my wife in the fourth grade, madly in love in fourth grade for this woman. But, you know, being the firstborn pastor's kid firstborn, Nick Serban, IV, the fourth. I was not allowed to date until I was 18 years old. So let me tell you, as soon as I turned 18 The first thing I did. Hey, Baby, are you doing? What's let's do this. And I tell you what, every every time I would even go to school in the morning because we were still in high school is that after you know, turn 18 In December, so I still have one more semester in high school with her. Just driving in in the morning, there was this like, excitement. I was just drunk in love intoxicated, and I hadn't even seen her yet. I just like just the idea of possibly getting to be around her just just had me sick. I would brush my teeth just a little bit longer in the morning. So I could have good breath. Right? I would make sure all the peach fuzz was shaved off my lips so that when I kissed her it wouldn't prick her. Hey, but now she loves the whiskers. So I'm keeping the whiskers. Right. But man, it was just this. This infatuation this anticipation, this expectation of just getting to be around her. That just had me so moved. I was I was desperate to be around her into encounter and I feel like Zacchaeus again. We don't have all the story but I can just imagine what drove him to climb up into a tree. This man of status, this man of wealth This man who really had everything going on for him, even though he was living in sin, he had all the money. He was living the life. But it wasn't enough when he heard Jesus was coming to town don't know about you, but I want to be known by Jesus. And for some of us today, there's another level, there's another upgrade. There's another update that needs to take place and shift in our mindset and how we pursue him, in order for him to really encounter him, because again, I love this Zacchaeus he stood out to Jesus. And so Jesus in that moment, connected with him. called him by name. You know, because his sheep as a sheep, the Scripture tells us in John 10, he says to him, the doorkeeper opens the sheep hear His voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. If we're really his sheep, we know that he's calling us by name. And let me just hit you with this because I feel like I always get challenged by this verse. But man, does God does God know your name. Now not just not just know your name, because I get it. You know, we can look at scripture we can see you know, he knew you. You know, Jeremiah, I think is Jeremiah one, five. You know, you were you were known in the womb, right? He knew you before you were formed in your mother's womb, right? He knows you by name. But there's this, the Scripture that always hits me always rocks me actually kind of messed up my whole theology as a teenager. But in Matthew seven, verse 21, says, Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven. Right? But the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day, Many will say to me, Lord, Lord, how many of you have said in prayer, Lord, Lord, forgive me of my sins, I receive you into my heart. But on the day, many will say, Lord, Lord, to be not prophesy in your name. And cast out demons in your name, and do mighty works in your name. And then I will declare to them, I never knew you. Depart from me, you workers of lawlessness. That's a scary, that's a scary verse. If you don't know. You don't know the context you see in the Greek, I never knew you. It's not that he didn't know you. It says, I never knew you as a friend. I never knew you as a friend. Or you didn't have coffee with me. You didn't invite me into your home. You didn't know anything about me other than my name, minutes and his name that we have authority. We sung about it. You can cast out demons in his name. You can see healing take place in his name. He's no respecter of persons. I mean, how many men of God or women of God in the world have performed all of these miracles and then we find out later that they weren't actually looking for Jesus behind the scenes. You can say his name all you want but unless you know him like a friend unless he knows you like a friend, he's gonna say I never knew you. And this is where it this is where it shifts. This is where I feel like it's going to click for some people today. Again, Jesus calls on the name of Zacchaeus and he immediately says, Hurry, come down. Come down. I'm coming to your house. Stay with me. I'm coming to your house. Here's what Zacchaeus didn't do. No, that's okay. I liked the view from up here No, that's that's alright. Like I'm a little more now that I'm up here. I can see really good I can see you you're pretty cool. I mean, hey, I'll sing songs about you man. Let's Yeah, cool. But I'm not coming down. Because if I come down, then I'm actually gonna have to receive you into my life. Again, I'm not I'm not Bible beaten here today but but How many of us have accepted Jesus but have not actually received Him into our daily life. This is why this is why so many times we we struggle with this idea of you know, once saved, always saved. And you know, I accepted Jesus in my heart when I was five years old, but I haven't been living for him all this time. Here's the here's the reason you accepted that that's Jesus, you accepted that he's the Messiah, and he's the savior, but you didn't receive Him into your life and allow him to transform you. The moment that he said, Come down, come down from your high place of superiority and elitism come down. And be with me, don't just watch from a distance. Because we can't follow Jesus from a distance. Come down, humble yourself, receive Me. Jesus has no intention of climbing the tree that you may find yourself in. Hear me, he has no desire to climb up to that tree where you are observing. And you may not be in that place. I'm preaching to somebody today though. His desire is that you would come and receive Him into your life. Again, from that tree, your, your understanding, and your relationship with Jesus is limited. By your perspective, because you're just up here, looking down on the crowd, looking down on Jesus, there has to be a shift, there has to be a change, there has to be a an upgrade. Or as I like to call them a message and update required. In order for us to receive Jesus, I had I had this this during COVID, I had this really big issue with connecting not with God, but with Zoom. Every time somebody wanted to get on a zoom call with me, man, I don't know what it was, I just did not like using Zoom I'm sorry, Zoom is watching right now. But like I hated using it. And so because I would never actually use it unless someone else was using it. I prefer to like FaceTime or Facebook message or whatever it was. But every time that I would open zoom again, it would say new update required. It drove me nuts, because I would get on the call right on time when I'm supposed to get on. And I would forget every single time that an update would be required. And it would take me like another three minutes, sometimes five minutes to actually get the update. And then there were times where I would start connecting. And then I would say another update is required. And I was like what is going on? Is it my computer, you know is that the software, whatever it might be. But I feel like so many times we're in that same boat with the Lord, we feel like we're we're entering and we feel like we're you know, we're accepting Jesus and we're seeing all that he's done. We're listening to the podcasts, we're redoing the studies, all these different things, but to actually connect with him, there has to be an update. And how we pursue him and how we connect to him. He was zoom, it's, it's creating connection that's face to face. And if I want to meet with Jesus face to face, then I need to update my software. What does that look like? What does that mean? I need to receive them into my life. Not just on Sundays and on Wednesdays there has to be prayer. There has to be even discipleship in my life, there has to be getting into his word. Not not necessarily to be changed. But just to know him. Just to know about his character and who he is and and I cannot find that just by watching from a distance. I cannot receive a revelation of who he is from a distance. It's gonna have to get a little messy. I'm gonna have to get a little close. I'm gonna have to shift my mentality of only connecting with God in these godly moments and begin to have my own moments with him. It's it's truly receiving Him into your life. And it's and it's not so much just doing a bunch of devotional studies or again, listening to all the messages. It's taking a moment and stopping in the middle of your reading in the middle of your prayer and just say Lord's victime what I love so much to about this whole encounter is he comes down, he comes into his house, and just being in his presence. Jesus didn't point his finger at Zacchaeus. It's a you need to repent of your sins. You've been stealing, you've been lying, you're a cheat. Jesus didn't do any of that. He just he just walks in the room into his house says nothing. But just being in his presence. Zach he is, was convicted in his heart. You want to know the sign of a true Christian? A true believer. When Jesus walks in the room, you're immediately convicted in your heart. With Jesus walks in the room, you recognize I am unworthy. Is there? God speak to me is there an area of my life that has an pleasing to Jesus? It's like, you know, we invite Jesus into our house, about my wife, whenever we have company over, it's like, we got to clean everything. We got to vacuum places that no one ever walked, we had to vacuum closets. I mean, we got to do all this stuff to clean the house, right. But when he walks in, we recognize and this some areas of my life that needs to change. You want to know if you've received Jesus, when you read His word, is it speaking to you? Is it changing your heart? And let me just let me just hit you with this really quick. You're in the right position. right where you're sitting. Like the fact that you woke up today and said, I'm gonna come to church. Like this is this is the tree that you've climbed. Right? And it's exciting. Like, I hope there's a hope there's an expectation and excitement and a joy when you come into the house of God. Like I don't know about you, but I I am. I don't want to live a board faith. And I think some of us are. I think some of us are bored out of our minds. Because we're just watching I think some of us are bored because of disobedience. Because God has spoken to you about an area in your life where you need to change where I need to change. And instead of saying yes, God I back away, and I climb back up in the tree. And I get excited. But then I get disappointed when I walk away and I'm unchanged. And so then I think, oh, maybe I should climb a different tree. Maybe I should go with this crowd maybe. And we think that it's all the stuff externally rather than the internal position of our hearts. Man if you're if your board and your faith, if there's not a passion and an excitement in you, when you open up his word, when you say his name and begin to pray when you think about him throughout your day, when you hear that worship song, come on at a point seven let's go way FM in the house. But if something doesn't stir in your heart, and you're just kind of bored with it, man. This isn't a rebuke. This is a sign from God. That something needs to shift something needs to change that I need to I need to receive Him fully again. And let me just be real here. There is nothing wrong with hitting the restart button. Don't let pride of being a believer for so long to keep you from a real encounter with Jesus by hitting restart. I can tell you what I got saved probably 100 times as a kid because it was every I didn't realize that I wasn't getting saved. I was getting sanctified because every time I would get into the presence of God who's just be like, Jesus I need you Gotta win more of you. And there's so much so much wrong in me that needs to shift that needs to change. And I restart right there. I turn it off and turn it back on again. Windows 95 That's the way to fix it pull the game out, blow on it, put it back hit restart. That's a Nintendo 64 reference for those of you looking for that man because this isn't about notice but let me just hit you for a second. Like why builds on a bad foundation? If you've made mistakes, if you've made it if you messed up if there's there's people that you've hurt, and you're afraid that if you ask them for forgiveness, or trying to make things right that you'll be seen as less than you won't be seen as this believer this Christian anymore, man. Let me challenge you today to hit restart. Because if you're not if your heart is not in a place of humility, when you're climbing up the tree, you're going to continue to be dissatisfied every time Jesus walks into the room. Because look what happens with the crowd. When Zacchaeus here, Jonathan, you can come in Look at the crowd. When Zacchaeus gets called on. What do they do? When they saw it? They all grumbled. The crowd grumbled. He has gone in to be the guest of the man who is a sinner and it's amazing because Zacchaeus received him joyfully and you'd think that the crowd would be excited to like praise God, this man from the pit of hell is getting saved this chief tax collector is going to enter the kingdom of God but no it's always those that are on fire for Jesus that really gets under the skin of those who are not Holy Spirit convict our hearts today man would you just lift your hands all across this room Jesus, we want to receive you into our lives. We don't want to be in the crowd. grumbling about how God is moving in this place or in this area or with this person. God I rebuke the spirit of comparison in Jesus name. Come on, we received Jesus by seeking after him with real effort. We receive Jesus by humbling ourselves. But by getting over ourselves and being willing to to restart some of us it's okay to restart. You could restart every single day. We receive Jesus, no matter how sinful or hated you are. By those people that are observing and watching in the crowd, you can receive Jesus as He invites you by name. You receive Jesus without delay. We receive Jesus by coming down to him. Come down to him. You've been in this tree for too long. And it's time to come down. It's time to receive Him and we receive Jesus Himself. Not a devotional series, not a podcast, not all of these other good things. But God we receive you and you alone. We receive Jesus into our life into our home into our day to day and we receive him joyfully God I pray that you would stir up a passion and excitement as we enter your presence as we open up your Word as we begin to mention and say your name when we pray. God we don't want to be born Christians anymore living in disobedience. But God let us say yes immediately and walk in obedience. Come on Church Aren't you tired of living in unexcited life and walk with God we receive Jesus despite what others say. And we receive Jesus with repentance, and restitution. And I think for some of us in the room, there's this fear that we have. And it's a lie from the enemy. It's a lie from the pit of hell, that if I receive Jesus into my life, then I'm just going to have to give up everything, that everything is going to shift and change that all the things that I've built are going to be gone away, I'm gonna have to surrender too much. But man, let me tell you right now. When Zacchaeus was in the presence of Jesus, and fully received him into his life, he gave joyfully half of everything that he had. And that might scare some of us here in the room because you don't know what he's gonna tell you to give up when you walk into his presence. And maybe for some of you, you know exactly what you're going to have to give up. Because you've walked down this path before there's people that you're going to have to go to and ask for forgiveness. There's people that you're gonna have to go to and and make things right with I'm not saying you got to pay restitution like Zacchaeus did. But man God just being in his presence begins to shift us and change us in ways that we could never imagine. But wouldn't you rather live a life with Jesus full of joy been live a bored walk up in a tree watching Jesus pass by so far right now in the name of Jesus, we hit restart for anyone here in the room, if you need to hit reset if you need to hit restart if you need to pull it out and blow on it and put it back in and whatever it is you got to do, to update to reset to restart to reboot to receive all Jesus has for you. It's about the position of your heart so In Jesus name I pray right now Lord, as we look to you gonna pray that Your Holy Spirit would search our hearts. God that we would see that you have been good that you've been faithful in all things and all that you've called us to. And your desire is for us to receive you fully in Jesus and not just not just accept that you are who you say you are, but that we would receive you for all that you are you got that there will be even deeper and greater revelation. We want to go deeper in relationship with you. God that you would turn up the excitement and the passion and the joy every time we come into Your presence that it would change us and it would shift us that we would get on the ride and never stop. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.