RESPECT & RESPONSIBILITY: Church should be a friendly and accepting place and that has always been our goal and will continue to be during this season. That said, we will not be “policing” people to follow guidelines, but instead ask you to take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for yourself and family. WE WILL RESPECT PEOPLE'S PERSONAL DECISIONS during this time ... some may not be ready to attend, some will want to wear a mask or gloves, etc. We will choose to respect and love people wherever they are in this process.

With this in mind, here are the steps we are taking to help prevent the transmission of COVID-19 and the safety guidelines we will follow:

  • We will ask people to respect those wishing to social distance while on the church property. Full Life has always been known as a friendly church, but during this time we ask you to refrain from physical contact and instead use your smile and words to greet one another.

  • We will also continue to provide HAND SANITIZER at multiple locations. We recommend that everyone wash their hands or use the sanitation kiosk upon entering the building.

  • We welcome anyone who chooses to wear a FACE COVERING or other personal protection equipment, but this is not required.

  • WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO CONTINUE GIVING ONLINE.  During service, there will be offering buckets & offering envelopes available at the back of the worship center to allow you to drop your offering into a bucket, touch-free.

  • Please CLICK HERE to read about our specific guidelines for CHILDREN’S ministries.

  • We encourage you to CONTINUE ATTENDING ONLINE SERVICES if you fall into any of the following categories: (1) you have underlying medical conditions, (2) you are in a high-risk group, (3) you are sick, have a fever or any cold or flu-like symptoms, (4) you have had contact with anyone that has been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past 14 days and have not yet received a negative test for yourself, (5) you have tested positive for COVID-19 and have not received a negative test confirming your recovery.  

These plans are subject to change as the situation develops.