Winter Season Part 4 // Nick Serban III

Winter Season Pt. 4 __ Nick Serban III


god, seasons, winter season, lord, faith, stepping, happen, jesus, years, pray, speak, amos, coming, laboring, walked, thought, life, people, put, work

Three reasons you're important to God. And, by the way, this morning, if you've ever taken notes before, meaning that if you ever took your phone out to get in your little, what do they call it, notes or whatever, today would be a great Sunday to take, take some notes because I believe the God's going to just release some things in the room that's going to change us and challenge us. But because of three reasons, you're important to God because of who you are. You're important to God today, because of who you are, you're important to God because of what you cost. Important to God for what you cause He, God sent His Son Jesus and paid the price for you to make it to live in freedom. And thirdly, because of what you can become, you're important to God today, because of what you're becoming what you can become. And so I encourage you to just look to that, and grow through that. We're going to enter into winter season number four today. And again, it was very dear to my heart this past week. And what does that, you know, when you say that, Pastor, what do you mean? I mean, like, I couldn't shake, you know, I was gonna go to one of those series, like six weeks till Easter and all that, and we'll probably start next week. But I was I was just thinking, you know, there's this, there's some things that maybe we didn't get to about the winter season about waiting about maximizing our faith and about just looking to worries worries that and I think I started off, I went back and watch you watch part of the first message that was online. And it was like, the first winter season you know, it's kind of like, Man, I don't know what, what what space was in my head during that time. But you know, thank God, it's cold this morning. So we have the picture of the snow and the in the winter season behind but God can do things quicker than we think. Although seasons have certain amount of times, God has the ability to expedite seasons. And Daniel chapter two, verse 20, Daniel answered and said, bless it be the name of God forever and ever for wisdom and might are his. And he changes the time this season. So he changes the time and seasons, he removes kings and raises up kings, he gives wisdom to the wise. God knows how to open the windows of heaven. Can you say Amen? God knows how to expedite things. God knows how to advance things, even without our permission, whether you think or not, how many? How many hope that you're not in the same place as you are right now. This year, next year? How many are open for some advancement in your life? How many are hoping you make some more money next year? Possibly anybody? How many are hoping you're a part of some better relationships in life? Anyway? All right. How many hoping you're alive next year this time? All right. Hallelujah. Okay, we got everybody there. Okay. So in that in this, listen, when we put our faith in the Lord, when we put our faith in Christ, when we put our faith in Him, who does all things? Well, he can shift things, he can change things, and isn't it amazing? You know, we sometimes organize things so much, but he's asked us to co labor with him. So I've had this discussion. And I'm not a doctor, I didn't say at a Holiday Inn Express last night, I I'm, I'm not. If I'm sick, and whatever, I don't go and try to figure out what I have. I just kind of like, I gotta get over this. And I was thinking this week, and I kind of shared it with somebody at our table, our small group table and I said, I said I was talking to a certain type of doctor kind of more of a holistic kind of doctor and he was telling me about medications and all this and believe me, this is if you're on medications, stay on your medications until God heals you and it can happen today. Amen. All right. And so anyway, he kind of he kind of said this to me. And again, you can take this you don't have to take this to the bank, you can just chew on this okay? If when you go to a regular doctor, thank God for doctors thank God for transplants, thank God for you know, the procedures that take place. But when you go to a doctor, they usually give you give you a prescription for medication, that basically you take and it fixes your body and quality. You're You're a pharmacist, you kind of you're kind of helping that that area. And but when you go to this holistic type doctor, a different kind of doctor, they kind of figure out what's going on, but you almost have to co labor with them. And they say, Okay, we're gonna give you some things that are maybe not at the same level as a prescription medication. But if you'll if you'll do this and exercise, everybody gasp I mean, let's do it again. And exercise. Exactly, yeah. And that's what I that's what I did to him. And he said, you know, if you'll just he said, Pastor, he tried to he tried to motivate me and I'm like, you're talking to the motivator here. You need to get you need to get on. He's like, he's like, let's do this. I'll see In six weeks, and here's what I'm going to ask you to do now who's kind of baiting me in this, he said, here's what you need to do. He's like, if you'll just exercise, I'm thinking, you know, everyday 30 minutes. He's like, if you'll exercise one time, each week, and I'm like, You're kidding me, you know, I'm thinking myself, you know, that's it. It's like, that's it. Just do one time. You know, take, take this mineral, or vitamin or whatever it is. Exercise one time. And we'll see, we'll see how things are in six weeks. And sure enough, I did that. I came back to my blood pressure and all that kind of stuff. And sure enough, can you believe it? I'm picture health free here. I don't know. I got work to do believe me, but but in all that, so sometimes, when you show up here on a Sunday morning, now I'm he's the head physician, but I'm kind of working in in his in his way. You all just want some medication, to say, okay, all I can take that. And that's going to make me feel that's going to fix me. And that's, that's all nice. And that's all great. And listen, we can pray. And like that things can change and you can be transformed. But there's something about CO laboring with the Lord. So you know, I'm gonna have a good attitude here. When I, when I don't want to have a good attitude, I'm going to be pleasant. I'm going to walk in joy and peace, I'm going to I'm going to bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit's. And that's where this comes in today. As we finalize our winter season that we would say, You know what, I'm going to be willing to shovel the snow when the snow gets high. I'm going to be willing to do what I need to do that I can advance for God and for His kingdom. So the other day I look back on my my archives I preached on this particular Prophet, minor prophet, the prophet Amos. This, this would be the third time I've spoken about him over 20 years of ministry here. And the book of Amos is in the Old Testament. He's a minor prophet. He was a man that may we can really relate to today. I truly believe that born some 750 years prior to the birth of Jesus, He preached about how we can relate to man because Amos is in many respects, just like us. He was a encourager. He was a motivator. You're not born of a priestly or noble descent. He was not prominent or powerful man of fame or fortune. Amos was very common turn the person next to you say Amos was very common. So he was from the country he was sheepherder God spoke to him as a common man. Amos was called to preach though, that God would do great things through the people that dwelled in his place the Israelites, he was called to encourage he was called to prophesied he was called to speak in and I want you to I want you to hear this today. In this winter season, and whatever season you find yourself in, you are called to prophesied, you are called to speak. You got kids at home, you walk around telling them the rotten is worst kids in the world, guess what they're going to turn into the rottenness worst kids in the world. You begin to speak a life you begin to speak the goodness of God the favor of God, guess what they will walk in the goodness in the favor of God. If you're in a relationship with a spouse, it's all about negativity. Listen, you're going to you're going to be married to negativity, but when you begin to speak to the positive when you begin to speak to the goodness when you begin to speak and CO laborer with God, things change. Amos 913 The days are coming declares the Lord when the Reaper will over be overtaken by the plow man and the planter by the one treading grapes. New wine will drip from the mountain and flow from all the hills, and I will bring my people Israel, Franklin full life back from exile to kind of throw that in there. They will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them. They will plant vineyards and drink their wine. They will make gardens and eat their fruit. The Message version a different translation says this. Yes, indeed. It won't be long now. I want you to get this in your spirit. It won't be long now. It won't be long. Now somebody get this this morning. It won't be long now. It won't be long. Now. God decree things are going to happen so fast. Your head will swim one thing fast on the heels of the other. I mean, if I were you I'd be I'd be writing this down right now. Lord, I need this. I already got it written down. Okay, I'm sharing the right. Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim one thing fast on the heels of the other you won't be a able to keep up everything will be happening at once. How many need this in their life right now? Anybody? Do you need this in your life stand up right now if you need this in your life or stand up just before the war beat according to your faith right now. You won't be able to keep up everything. Everything will happen at once and everything everywhere you look blessings, blessings, like wind pouring off the mountain of the hills. I'll make everything right again for my people Israel full life, Franklin. They'll rebuild their ruined cities. They'll plant vineyards and drink good wine. They'll work their gardens and eat fresh vegetables. And I'll plant them plant them on their own land will never again be uprooted from the land I've given them. God your God says so. Amen. Father, thank You for this moment. Thank you for your word. I pray, Lord God, who would be like a two edged sword gather. Father, speak to us today. change our lives change our minds change our future. In Jesus name. Amen. Amen. You may be seated. Come on anybody ready this morning, I've had like, like triple expresso and let's go. Things are going to happen so fast, your head will swim. Your head will spin. Believe God is bringing us to an accelerated season in full life. If I said nothing else that encouraged you to come to the altars, you know, we can be done right now. But I truly believe that God is bringing us to an accelerated season, things will happen so quickly. He's promising this. Why would we be the surprise then? Things happen so quickly, Ezekiel 37, The Lord took ahold of me and I was carried away and then applies acceleration I was carried away by the Spirit of the Lord to a valley filled with bones. He will catapult you years down the road. He will catapult you in seasons, what should have taken three months can happen in three days. What's what's gonna happen in six years gonna happen in six months? It happens. So, so quick. appreciate getting phone calls, I appreciate the opportunities that have oftentimes, and hopefully I've gotten better over over the years and my pastoral care and loving encouraging, but every now and then I get a phone call. And somebody will have a need, and or here at the altar. But recently I had somebody called me and they're like, you know, Pastor, would you pray for me, I need some help with this situation. And, and all that. And I think it was a Friday, and I prayed actually prepare them over the on the phone. And Saturday, they call me back and said, Pastor, God has come through that situation we prayed for yesterday. Everything's taken care of. It's turned around the situation is better than I ever thought it could ever be in my life. And I thought to myself, hallelujah, you know, and then I did get off the phone and a little bit of flesh came in, I'm like, Well, who else can I pray for and happen? Pray today, and it happens tomorrow, right? And that's not how it works. But how it works is the faithfulness of God, the faithfulness, just as I can pray, you can pray. Mom, dad, husband, wife, children, you can pray for circumstances situations, and they can change like that. I know when we when we started the winter season, we talked about how you know, sometimes seasons are a little longer than we think, you know, the drab and but I just want to see faith be elevated today. And it's not about the weather outside, thank God it's it's sunny out because you know, when it's not sunny out, we tend to be a little bit more gloomy in the house, but it's sunny and it's freezing outside. And whatever season you may find yourself in God can accelerate it. We need an attitude of faith. Do For me what you promised through the prophet Amos. The Plow man will overtake the reaper, the harvest would come up so quick. Three things I want to share this morning. Taking notes number one, God will remove the expired to your expectation. God will remove the expired to your expectation. How did they How did they come up with that? Because many of us many of you here that sit here today you have you have expired expectations. You had hope this Oh, I had hope this happens. I had I had a desired for this to happen. And I believe we're in a society we're in a day that you know we just kind of we kind of hope and it doesn't happen we go to something else. Listen, if you're dreaming something I believe God put it on your hearts. If you're dreaming that you're going to change the world somehow here if God's put a idea in your heart in your mind, listen, I believe he's put it there. He created you before you were in your mother's womb. You I have a destiny to figure out. And I believe we need to come up against the expired expectations. We need to come up against the the things that are holding us back saying, Oh, God could never do this. Listen, God can do anything. Anything My God can do. The epidemic of a global abortion is sweeping the continents expired expectations. Yes, we sing about it. We speak about the goodness of the Lord His mercy is running after us chasing us down but are we really believing it? Are you really believing it? Or are you the person going to the doctor per se and saying you know what, give me this give me this give me this and maybe something will happen as opposed to co laboring with the father could say Lord, I can do this with you. We can do this together. We need to be inoculated I was gonna say get vaccines but I thought that would be unpopular. We need to be inoculated of this expired expectation spirits. God, you can do anything. God, you can change anything. Many people 45 years and older. I won't ask you to identify yourself here. But sometimes we grow weary. things begin to change everywhere body mind, eyes. I mean, I got I believe in I work I wear contacts or glasses I have, I have bifocal contacts, one for each eye. And I I still have to have this so big. So I can see somebody was I was on my phone the other day. And they walked by me they're like, can you see that? And I'm like, Yeah, you can see from the back row. I mean, it's, it's pretty crazy. You have fixed your eyes on other things other than the Lord, oftentimes. What message are we sending into the next generation? What message are we are we are we sending to those who are coming behind us? Do you do realize that every one of you in this room, especially speaking to adults, this morning, every one of you, someone will look at you, someone will watch you and someone will decide whether they're going to follow in the footsteps that you are following. They're going to they're going to partake of the attitude you have. They're going to partake of the negativity you have, they're going to partake of the abruptness that you have or they're going to partake in the mercy that you give or they're gonna partake in the the joy that a bounce from you when they are around you. We need to model for the next generation because Ephesians 320 says this. Now to Him, who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church, by Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen. exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think God will exceed Amos three 913 God will exceed everything you expect him to do. It can be accelerated the break is coming. The Open Door is coming. The phone call is coming. The email is coming. The certified mail is coming. The call out of nowhere is coming I believe I'm prophesying to somebody today here in this room the raise is coming the the elevation the promotion is coming and he say well you know Pastor those are all positive things would you like me to stand up here and save your life is almost over relationship your when you might as well just chalk it up right now my little get out. You know, you think you've got money in your pocket now? Tomorrow you'll have none All right. Is that what you want to hear? Or do you want to hear the goodness in the mercy of our Savior? Who says you know what? The mountains, you're gonna drink from the mountains. You're gonna plant here. God will remove the expired to your expectation. Number two. I only got three things. I'm halfway there. Hallelujah. Amen. Number two, God will accelerate time to accomplish His kingdom. God will accelerate time to accomplish His Kingdom. In John chapter, John chapter six, verse five, I'm not sure it won't be on the screen. I believe. You can read it down and check it out. Later, when Jesus looked up and saw a large crowd coming towards him. He said to Philip work can we buy enough bread for all these people to eat? So here we have Jesus in a situation, let's just kind of let's let's apply it to where we are right now. There wasn't enough. It was a difficult situation. It was like something that had that God had to do something in this moment. So Jesus looks up, saw a large crowd coming towards him, he says to Philip, where it can we buy enough bread? And we're talking about 1000s of people about 5000 plus this for the people to eat. Now, they didn't have a Costco back then. All right, there wasn't a Sam's Club. You know, we run there for the parties and all the extra. Jesus s filled this question to test him because Jesus already knew what he planned. What is he asking you today? Take a moment. What is he asking you today? Is he asking you if you still have faith that he can heal? Is he asking you if you are still faith that he can come through? Those of you that want to get married, those of you that want a better marriage? Not going to speak to the ones that want to get out of your marriage? Okay, we're gonna believe good things for that. Alright. Philip answered, someone would have to work almost a year. All right, here's the faith. Here's the faith. What can here's Jesus saying, hey, what can we do here? There's one in every crowd, the negative comes back. Someone would have to work almost a year to buy enough bread for each person that have only a little piece. Practical. But still, where's God in this equation? Another one of His followers, Andrew, Simon, Peter's brother said this. Here's a little boy. He's got he's got his lunch with him. He's got his bag lunch with him that his mama put together for him before he left. We got a little bit of food right here. Jesus asked the question, one says, I mean, this is a this is a national debt situation, you know, we got we got to work through here. Or what do we have amongst us? A little boy, a junior high, junior high student? What is lunch pail? Some fish and some loaves. And guess what happened in that moment? Faith collided with a heavenly Father. People there ate in that moment? What is God asking you today? Is he asking you, whether you're the faith that he can reconcile this, that he can restore this, that he can provide for this. That's why just kind of a timeout. When I when I make comment about the trip to Ecuador. I've just I've just seen it so many times, somebody wants to go and they can only come up with half the money. Or they can only come up with a certain amount of money. And someone steps up unbeknownst to this person, or that person says you know what, like to pay for this other than give towards this, like the provider for this. And it's happened time and time again into has always been within the church has been from even outside, Hey, I see you're doing this. But that's how God works. But it comes down to the moment of saying you know what I can't do because it costs too much. Or, you know what? It just so happens, Lord, I'm going to take a step of faith here. I'm going to I'm going to use this. God will accelerate time to accomplish His kingdom. Jesus fed 1000s of men, Philip, Where can we buy bread? God often asked to see where we are. God often asked, right? God often asks to see where we are. Where is your faith today? You may say, I thought to myself, I just thought to myself, I just imagine getting up and speaking. I thought to myself, when I just said that got up and asked where we are today. And some of you are saying, I don't know why I'm here. I don't know where I'm at. But then I also know that there are moments and there's time and there's this moment right now at 1122. Here on Sunday morning. Faith is being built up. Because when you walked in here, you didn't think that God could restore that thing. When you walked in here, you didn't think God could answer that prayer. When you walked in here you thought that all hope was lost. You thought this is just the way it's going to be for the rest of my life the rest of my time the rest of my days. And yet, the Holy Spirit comes in and he stirs our faith. He used a junior hire to feed those. He put a basket lunch. God will increase your talent. God will increase your time. God will increase your treasure. He will increase it. God will increase your talents. God will increase your time. God will increase your treasure Phillip, let's analyze too much, too little, too late. Can't be done. We need to go borrow money from the federal government to feed all these people. But here's the answer. There's a lot that can be done with just a little God wants to accelerate. Don't feel pulled back today. Don't feel resistance today. But I want to courage him we'll say we'll see at the end of the message today. What is the Holy Spirit's speaking to you? What is the Holy Spirit dialing in? Even right now, in your heart? In your mind? We're in a winter season in the natural and maybe you're in a winter season spiritually. But listen, spring is coming. The groundhog solid shadow, right, is that he sees the shadow he comes early his works. He didn't see a shadow. So he's coming early. Who cares? All right, but in the day, when God shoots when God scores when God speaks. He's going to make up for lost time. It's going to make up for the time that you think has been lost, he will redeem the years the locusts have eaten according to his Word. Does that mean the canker worm? Or does that mean the pestilence? What does that mean? The grubs, we can eat grubs in Ecuador, you're gonna go to Ecuador, we're going to eat them. All right. When God shoots, when God is embraced, he will make up for lost time. I don't care how old you are today, he will make up for lost time. It's not about a person. It's not about an organization. God has the final say. He hasn't already all lined up. You may feel like you're being a pullback. This year as a year where God may you may feel pulled back. But in all pulling back. It's launching, I was gonna bring in my my father in law. Custom made this incredible slingshot. And you say it's thanks. It's, it's pretty incredible. And, you know, in order for something to catapult forward, if I just let it go here, nothing happens. But if I pull it back, it goes. When I pull it back. It goes. What is your faith level on today? On a scale from one to 10? Where's your faith? Where's it? Are you going to answer amongst amongst yourself and to yourself? But why isn't it a 10? If 10 was the best? Why isn't it off the charts? You're 15? No one's you only got the 10 Why isn't it 100? Why is it only a two? Is it God who has not come through for you? Is it God who has not presented and given all the tools before you? Genesis 822 says this seed time harvest while the earth remains see time and harvest, cold and heat winter and summer and day and night shall not cease. There is always a process. So we know that when we're going to we got winter, we know that spring is coming. We know that summer is coming. We know that fall is coming. So we embrace this. We remove the restrictions that are upon us. We say Lord, this is your season, this is your time I am in your time. We understand the concept of seasons are 30 days, often 60 days, 90 days, 120 days, all depending in the continent where you live. Alright, so people move to Tennessee because we have very short seasons, allegedly. And you go up north, I mean 100 And I mean, you can't go from September until almost may sometimes because because of the cold and and all that. But here we're gonna we're in a place that you know it's pretty, it's pretty simple. But you may feel like you're in a certain season or a certain time, three to five months of a season. Do not say John for 35 There are still four months and then harvest comes. I don't want you to sit here today and say you know what? Let me just let me let me live in misery for the next two weeks. And then I'm gonna get out of this Don't say you know, for the next for the next six weeks, I'm going to just being in a place of just disappointment. And then harvest is coming. Do not say there are still four months and then harvest come behold I say to you lift up your eyes and look at the feet yields for they are already white for harvest. The answer is here, the answer is on the way, but it's in the process of, hey, give me this and let me just sit back and wait or you know, I'm gonna put my praise on. I'm gonna put my, my, I'm gonna put my prayer on, I'm gonna, I'm gonna spend time before the Father and then they believe and things are going to change and Faith is going to be elevated in my life. Jesus is indicating there. Even in John four. There is an acceleration in the Spirit. God is not confined to nature. God is not confined to these things. He's omnipresent. He's omnipotent. He's omniscient. What's that mean? omnipresent, everywhere all the time. Here's the God that you serve. If you're living for him today, here's what you have access to a God who is everywhere, all the time, omnipotent, having unlimited power, able to do anything omniscient, having very great or seemingly unlimited knowledge. He knows everything. Everywhere, all powerful God, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, he's more than just Easter. He's more than just Christmas. He's every day, every month, winter, spring, summer, fall. He's with us in all these moments. Don't sit back. Publicly rebuke it today and say, You know what? Maybe in four months, things will turn. Belief today. Believe today for healing. And you know what, we made a prayer we might have prayed last week. And you're not you're not you know, nothing necessarily happened. You know what I would tell you, you can do the sit there and mope. Sit there and be discouraged. Or so you know, as for me and my house, we're gonna serve the Lord. And my breath comes from him, my life comes from him, my steps come from him, my, my, who I am comes from Him. And so I will indeed be dependent upon plugging into him. I'm not going to sit back, but I'm going to step up. And I'm going to praise him, and I'm going to worship Him. And then we're going to love him. I'm going to honor him with my giving. I'm going to honor him with my time I'm going to honor him, I'm going to tell people about what he's done in my life. Step and played or someone else will, time is too short, to wait too long. Welcome the full life this morning, I will exceed all you expect, I will accelerate time to accomplish Kingdom purpose. God will increase all you authorize. God will increase. All you authorize. In Luke chapter six, verse 30, it says given will be given to you good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you. Now I know the Scripture verse can be looked at and reviewed very quickly as you know, oh, it's a give and take relationship with the Lord. No, it's a relationship with the Lord. Give and it will be given to you good measure pressed down, shaken together running over four with the same measure that you use it, it will be measured back to you. Now in this scripture. We've often read it for receiving an offering or receiving tithes and offerings. But that's not even what Jesus was referring to in the Scripture portion. He was referring to forgiveness. He was referring to walking in humility, and allowing someone off the hook. Just a little side note, sometimes we find ourselves in seasons, because we're not willing to forgive. And we harbor things. We hold on to things. Somebody say out your Amen there. Come on. I will transform what you transfer. God will increase what you authorize. You had to step out on faith and step into your destiny. You have to step out of worry and step into the will of God. You have to tell yourself, I'm stepping out of confusion. I'm stepping out of lack. I'm stepping out of drugs. I'm stepping out of procrastination. I'm stepping into the Spirit of God I'm stepping into the favor of God. How do you do that? is in favor system. It's co laboring I'm stepping in the favor. It's me and God right here. Good thing is going to come my way. You know, I think sometimes we We've, we've less than that we spoken down and we and we've, we've, we've talked about the, you know, the positive, the positive message of the word and some people that are just, you know, so positive Listen, wouldn't you rather be around someone who's positive as opposed to the naysayers up, never gonna happen, can't do never have enough money. God's never gonna, I'm never I'm never gonna live in a nice house, I'm never gonna have this, I'm never going to be able to produce here, I'm never going to be enough here. I tell you what you start using what you have and watch how God multiplies it and doubles and triples and quadruples. It's stepping out of drugs, procrastination, I'm stepping into the Spirit of God and second, stepping into the favor of God and stepping into the mercy of God and going to step into the sea of forgiveness. And walking in His will I choose to follow him, I choose to surrender to him, I choose to speak to him, I choose to pray to him. I choose to worship Him, not just on Sunday, but on Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday, and Thursday, and Friday, and Saturday and Sunday, I come back and do it again. But I live for Him every day. It's not about taking pills on Sunday morning and saying, Lord, fix me. It's about CO laboring with him and saying, Lord, I run I embrace I need you in my life. And that's what changes seasons in life. They have to change his churches. That's what changes communities. That's what changes homes. That's what changes marriages. That's what changes businesses. Once a man expresses this morning, here we go. Come on, and we give Him praise in everything. In John, chapter two, I'll close it close. I'll try to close with this. In John chapter two at the wedding, there's a credible story about the wedding. And I I'm going to preach this one way I want to share it one way I've sure I've heard the shared so many different ways. But here's Jesus's he's at a wedding. His mom comes to him and says, Hey, um, there's no more wine. The whole of the message in itself, alcohol and all this, and this, but this is the this is the wine drinkers. Scripture verse, Jesus made wine. And anyway, time again. And so, so he spoken to in the mom, Mary, Mary tells the servants there, hey, go ahead, do whatever He asked you to do. Jesus, like my time hasn't come yet. He's like 30 years old, I mean, talk about delays and waiting seasons, he's 30 years old this time. So Scripture tells us that he took he took the ceremonial ceremonial slash foot washing mix. So at the entrance to this great gathering, basically would wash wash feet, I mean, walking around sandals all day long, I mean, and Majan washing your tires every day when you get in your garage and the first thing you gotta do I gotta wash my tires. I mean, so they're walking around they wash wash feet so there's no more wine left and that's it's a very bad it's a bad thing for the for the groom's the groom and the family because they didn't plan accordingly and so story goes on that he tells the servants to to fill these these certain pots up these jars and now don't you got to get this he don't go down to the beautiful Tennessee River and all that is beautiful or crumbling river, but he uses the dirty water you know, I'm gonna stick my foot in here and shake it all about the foot it takes that fills up the jugs. Next thing you know a miracle takes place I'm not a I'm not a like I said I can I can I can share this two different ways. So I'll just I'll share it right down the middle. I'll leave it at this. It was the best wind takes a certain amount of time. This was the best so we see right here there's acceleration that takes place in the best but we also know this somebody somebody somebody needs to get this this morning in the acceleration of what took place there. He took the dirty he took the hurting. He took the spoiled the water. He took all that was wrong and made it all right. I declare this morning I speak This morning, that those circumstances and situations you may find yourself in today. There's one, there's one that I could say I've been there done that experience that I know what it's like for raising kids. I know what it's like, empty nest. I know what it's like a bills in the mail. I know what it's like with hospital bills. I know what it's like with crazy reports. I know. It's like having, you know, having a sniffles for six months, I get all those pieces. But be it according to your faith today, that this would be a house of prayer, but also a house of faith. Now, and wherever you find yourself in wherever you wherever, wherever you have found yourself sitting today. And maybe I hit one of them. But you know where it is. You know where you are. God wants to turn that situation around. He wants to change it. He wants you to step in. What are you required? You're required to have a seed. Come back to me. You're required to do a little bit of work. You're required to shower with faith and hope and prayer. You're required to weed it. Cool. Avery, what do you got? Why did the weed because weeds come up? Pull them out. And then you're required to wait an hour, a day? A week? a month? May be saying I've been working. But when it's gonna happen. I've been waiting. What is going to happen? I've been sacrificing. When is it going to happen? Yes, indeed. It won't be long. It won't be long. God's decree, things are going to happen so fast. Your head will swim. One things fell fast on the heels of the other, you won't be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once. And everywhere you look, blessing. Here's what God's saying. I'm going to adjust the time. Yours become months, months become weeks, weeks become days, days become hours, and hours become minutes. So as the Holy Spirit's speaking to you, this will be the conclusion of winter seasons. The winter season. This is the heart of God today church, if I've ever preached, if I heard preach the rainbow word before. I believe this is a word for us today have ever preached a prophetic word. This is a prophetic word for this body. for families, individuals, couples, with hopes with dreams with desires. I believe God's deed is asking the question, where are you today? Have you just thrown in the towel? Or would you allow him to accelerate things in your life? Would you stand with me this morning? As we conclude, if you need the Lord as your personal Savior, you're watching online here in this room. I encourage you ask them into your life. Ask them to forgive you of your sins. Ask him ask him to be the Lord of your life that you want to follow Him and give your life to Him. change everything. For here this morning, though, as well. You say you know what? I need God to show up and show off in my life. I'm going to believe for that acceleration this morning. needed to happen. whatever game it is game, it's in beat according to your faith. love to pray with you this morning. So I'm gonna ask you to do something I asked you to come forward. That's a step out of your seat. Even right now. You're believing God to change something relationally financially, physically change something educationally that he can turn a situation around. As our worship team begins to sing. Would you come? Can we pray? Can we just believe the end of his end of the start of the season, winter season. We move forward. We receive all that he has and we're going to believe for signs, wonders and miracles.


David Wagner // Prophetic Service


Power Up // Matt Rogers