David Wagner // Prophetic Service
David Wagner __ Prophetic Service - Full Life
lord, god, jesus, miracle, people, church, telling, walk, place, coming, love, house, anointing, sheep gate, man, word, life, stirring, day, season
Come on, can you give Jesus a shout or praise this morning? Jesus, you're worthy. Lord, we lift you up, Lord, we declared that if you would be high and lifted up in Franklin, Tennessee, where you would draw all men unto yourself, and so Lord, would you just come, Lord, we offer no resistance to what you want to do in this room. There's no competition between our desire and your desire, nor would you come and reveal your heart would you show us Jesus, Jesus? Would you reveal the Father to us holy spirit, would you move? Would you be the Lord in this place? Because we know that we're the spirit is the Lord. There is freedom. There's liberty, there's permission, to experience you to express you to be empowered by you, to be filled with you. In Jesus mighty name. Amen. Amen. Well, God bless you. It's so good to be in the house this morning. And I love pastor Nick and Pastor Kim, I call her the first lady. She didn't like it very much. But I still do it probably because she didn't like it very much. But we've had a long term relationship, and we become family. I will tell you that your pastors have been an answer to my prayers. Years ago, I prayed this prayer Lord, I don't need any more meetings. I don't need any more travel engagements, I don't need to speak anywhere else. But I'll take as many friends as you give me. And and so we built this friendship. And so this is a very special house. To me. I've seen him watch many and moments. Watch people encounter God, I've encountered God in this room, myself. And I believe you're actually probably the best hidden secret in all of Franklin and all of Middle Tennessee. And the Lord is about to pull the veil off of the secret. And you're about to be seen, because Jesus is about to be seen upon you. And I just believe this, that sometimes we can look around, and we can see empty seats. But can I tell you something, I don't see empty seats, I see opportunity. I see that there's actually preparation to accommodate people who have never heard the gospel yet. I'm looking forward to the day that we don't have church hoppers in town. But we actually watched people experienced Jesus for the first time. And so I believe that this is a season of preparation. There's something about to happen in these next few weeks of Lent and preparation of Good Friday. And Easter my heart it was exploding this morning when I woke up. And I heard the Lord say that I'm giving you marching orders. I believe the Lord's giving the church marching orders in this season, that the season of, of sitting still and waiting is over. But there's actually a movement taking place that begins when we actually don't just wake up but we actually get up. I love Isaiah 60 Rise and shine for the lightest come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. The fact is, he didn't just wake me up, but he gives me a commandment to get up and to begin to move. I like to say this often that often we're looking for revival but God's looking for you. Why? Because I believe that you are the actually the next revival, you're the next move of God, you're the next thing that God is doing. You may not feel it yet. You may not know it yet. But I'm telling you prophetically today that the Lord is looking for you and for me to actually just be obedient with what God's given us. There's something that is stirring. When I woke up this morning, I was singing a song from way back when I got saved in January of 1997. It was being sung in Brownsville it was being sung in Toronto was being sung in most of our churches. And the words were simply this I need You more. More than yesterday, I need You more. More than words can say I need you Lord more than ever before. Because I never want to go back to my old life. I need You more. The Lord is stirring up a hunger for more. If I could encourage you in anything this morning, it would simply be this. Expand your capacity for more. I will tell you this, that you can have as much of God as you want, or you can have as little of God as you want. And it's all determined on your hunger. Jesus said blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled. How do I get more I get I stay hungry. The more I feast on his word, the more I feast in His presence. There's this purpose in my heart that I want to be the hungriest person in the room. Can anybody grab a hold of that with me? That no matter how many times I've been to church, how many encounters I've had, how many moves of God, I've been a part of that there's something in me that wants to be the hungriest person in the room. When I walk in I want to have a childlike faith that simply says God, I want to see you do what you've never done before. That this is a season where our eyes are about to be open that the veil is about to be removed. And we're about to see the Lord like we've never seen him before. I believe we're about to see him as he really is not as I expect him to be. He's coming in the season as he really is. And I love that about him is is because every time you think you've got him figured out, he does something different. I love this. And Hebrews 13. And eight says that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. He's never changing, but he's always changing. He never changes his, his attributes, His his, his, his integrity, his kindness, his his love, it stays the same. You can bank on it. It's why we can sing who else is worthy, right? There's no one else worthy because there's no one else's constant. He is that way but but the god who's never changing is always changing. He's always changing me that there's something that every time I encounter him, I find something out about him that I never knew before. That this is the Christian walk that you're in, that the everyday should you should be discovering a Jesus you never knew. Because every day he's revealing something greater, something new, something fresh about himself. You can't exhaust him. You can't come to the end of him. He is the beginning and the end. And and the Lord wants us to begin to discover the fullness of that like never before. I love this scripture. It says I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord. I believe we should be the happiest place on the planet. Why? Because we are the people of God whose sins have been forgiven, that when we walk in the door, we should come in with joy, we should come in with expectation we should come in with jubilance. Why? Because everything you need is in the house. Your healing is in the house, your peace is in the house, your provision is in the house that everything you need is in the house. Why? Because God lives here. And he's an amazing father, which means he protects he provides he leads, He guides that there's something that he wants to do in our midst that you can only experience when you come together. I've shared this before that heaven, Isaiah 66 One Heaven is my throne and earth is my footstool, but who will build me a house. God is looking for a people where he can actually dwell. I would submit to you this morning that the prophetic word over this house the prophetic invitation of the Lord in this hour and in this season is that you would build him a place where he could dwell, that we would be His dwelling place that we would be the place where the Lord chooses to abide. I believe this this is a season of abiding presence, and abounding love, that the Lord is stirring up something fresh and new. Listen, I love this statement out of lamentation. The Lord is good. And his mercy or his faithfulness endures for all generations. How many know that true that the Lord is good. The two greatest things I could ever teach you this morning would be this that God is good is always good, and you are always loved. And if you know those two things, and everything else is settled. God is always good and I'm always loved. And I think those things are important. The Lord is good. And his faithfulness endures for all generations. It tells me this that God's not through this yet. Why? Because his faithfulness can't be exhausted. You can't come to the end of it. I believe this the a couple of months ago, I was getting ready to preach. I was walking through some things. And a missionary came up to me and whispered these words in my ear. Now I know where they are, I know the warfare they face, I know the struggles that they deal with on a daily basis. And so when they say words to me, I actually received them because there's fruit behind their words. And they whisper this word in my ear. The Lord never promised you easy. He only promised you faithful. He didn't promise me that this life was going to be easy. He actually said in this life, you're going to have trouble. I think we've heard a false gospel sometimes. That all you do is you come to Jesus and everything is alright. Can I tell you something? When you come to Jesus, you can expect all hell to break loose around you. Here. Here's why. Because you're carrying the kingdom of light into the kingdom of darkness that there is a confrontation of Kingdom that you're carrying. And the problem is I don't like confrontation. I like comfort. Like if we just change the name of full life to confrontation church. About 10 of us would stay because we like it. The recipe like no, I want comfort church. Why we want padded pews. But how many know the cross didn't have padding on it? How many know if it's good enough for Jesus? It's good enough for me. For the joy set before him he He endured the cross. He despised the shame, and he endured the cross. And can I tell you something that there is a place where the Lord is calling us not to be successful, but to be victorious? And I think we've been trying to build a successful church and not a victorious church in the earth. I'm talking about the church universal. God tell you that some of the most powerful men of God I know are pastoring small churches. Can I tell you that some of the most faithful people I know come from smaller churches. I appreciate mega churches. I appreciate all of those things. But But can I tell you somebody, there is something about being faithful where God has called you to be. I met this pastor, he came from an Italian Pentecostal background. And he was pastoring, in Bridgeport, Connecticut, he's 95 years old and just decided to retire. And when I talked to him, as we were walking through his building, he had all of these memories. He could tell me all on the spot, I watched somebody get completely delivered. I watched somebody here who couldn't have babies and, and God healed their womb. And this husband and wife ended up having seven kids and I watched where this person had stage four cancer and they said it was over and we prayed, and God healed. And all through the room, he was bringing me down memory lane. But then he started almost apologizing. And he said, I've just passed, you're the same 40 people. I've just pastored the same 40 People for the last 60 years. And I realized something he's probably the most faithful person I've ever met. And what I'm saying to you is that the Lord wants to set the church free from striving and comparison, and to think that somehow that that what God's called me to do is less than what God's called somebody else to do. How many know we all get the same reward, we're all gonna get crowns. And here's the great thing about the crowns you're gonna get, you're not going to keep them, you're actually going to lay them at the feet of Jesus. And so I'm encouraging you today in this season. If you're going to be found in any area, please be found being faithful. Be faithful to the Lord, be faithful to the local church, be faithful to the place where God has called you implanted, you realize most people can't bear fruit because most people don't actually let let the roots grow deep into the ground. We live in a culture of transplantation where people are constantly being transplanted from one place to another. Whether it's because we're moving around a lot as Americans are different things, or because we actually anytime we feel discomfort we actually leave, leave the place that God called us to. Why? Because pruning is hard. The fire is hard. There are things that God called you to to navigate that that may be hard, but he's still worthy in the process. Right, he said he would never leave you or forsake you. And I just believe right now that some of us are coming out of of seasons of disappointment. I was listening to part of Pastor Nick's message about that winter season. And I've got good news for you spring came early this year, that there's something where God is turning, I remember in after the cold snap we had in the snow of January. I remember it was it was like the first week of February. And I noticed that some of my my fig tree was already starting to bud out. I looked around and daffodils were coming through the ground. Why? The Lord is saying Spring is coming early. And I know that we're in March. But listen, sometimes they said that sometimes March comes in like a lamb goes out like a lion comes in like a lion goes out like a lamb. Here's what I believe that the month of March is going to be for us ready. You're gonna roar like a lamb. There's going to be this roar of power. At the same time, it's going to be marked with gentleness. It's going to be marked with the kindness of mercy. It's going to be marked with the goodness of God like never before. I believe this, that the Lord is really releasing fire upon our frustration. Anybody find yourself frustrated? A few nods. A couple of can I tell you something most of us are living in places of frustration. Because in those places of frustration, it's where God actually stirs us up to move and do something. And some of you you feel frustrated, maybe it's circumstance or situation and the fire of God is coming to burn away all of those things so that the gold that's been refined by the fire comes forth. Are you ready for that? Here's what I felt like the Lord is doing in the church in the earth today. He's setting us free from toleration so that we can be people of transformation. There's this whole idea where we're called, where people want us to tolerate. But I don't want to tolerate what Jesus came to terminate. I don't want to tolerate crazy I don't want to tolerate drama. I don't want to tolerate sickness. I don't want to tolerate depression. I don't want to tolerate oppression. Jesus gave us authority over all of it, amen. So don't tolerate, be transformed. I believe this. You know, the Lord never told me I had a right to be happy. But he did tell him tell me that I should be holy as He's holy. My church experience isn't defined by my happiness. It's defined by my holiness. And I believe there's an invitation. Listen, what part of holy isn't happy when there is no separation between you and God? That's pretty amazing. And I'm just telling you right now that the Lord is realigning things. I believe there's new conviction coming to just set us free from comfort. I heard a man preach one time, he said, My assignment is to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted. I think it's a pretty good assignment, right? The Lord wants to provoke us out of our comfort zones. Why? Because there's a world that needs Jesus. Here's what I believe. The Lord is about to release the anointing of the evangelist upon full life like never before. That the Lord is about to give you not only strategies, but he's going to give you an anointing to win souls. Why? This? Proverbs says, He who win souls is wise. And Lord is going to give you the wisdom of soul winners. How many No, we don't need to, to just gather the people that are discontent in other places. But we should be winning the loss and discipling them so that they can change the world around you. I will tell you right now, there's a hunger in the earth like I've never seen before. And we can talk about all of the craziness that's happening politically and all the craziness that's happening in society and and culture. But I will tell you that I've never seen a time in 25 years of ministry, like this time in the earth, that I watched literally hundreds of people come to Jesus last last week over the last two weeks all over Europe. I remember going to Europe for the first time in the early 2000s. And I think in 12 days, we saw three people give their life to the Lord. We thought that was revival. And now you could preach your worst message and people come running to the altar. Why? Because it's not based on your performance or your communication. It's based that there's 100 and, and something that God placed in errantly on the inside of every human being to know God. And when the gospel is preached, and when the anointing is upon you. Jesus knows how to make himself irresistible. And I just believe right now that we're about to watch, we're about to watch everything that was lost, get redeemed, everything lost getting found what we're about to see, even the time that we thought we lost over the last few years, the Lord's about to redeem the time. And I'm telling you that I just watched people being set free by the power of God, set free for not only from sin, but set free from from demonic oppression set free from sickness and disease. And if God's doing it in Europe, I'm telling you, he's about to do it. And America again, he's about to do it in our myths like we've never seen before. x one and eight says You shall receive power, when the Holy Spirit comes upon you for what it's not so that you get power in your home so powerful. So you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And He will give you what he will give you power to be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria and all the uttermost parts of the earth. Here, here's the thing. It's not just the power to witness. The original word in Greek is this he had given you power to be his martyr. The invitation isn't to be powerful and have a mega ministry. The invitation is to receive power so that you can overcome the enemy. And even when you face death, you offer up your life as a living sacrifice, because there's no one else worthy. And here's the thing, we're trying so hard to save our life instead of giving our life. He never told me to save my life. He told me to lay my life down. It's amazing to me, right Hebrew or Romans 12 says that I should offer myself up. I beseech you, brothers to offer yourself up as a living sacrifice. Here's the problem with living sacrifices. When the fire comes and the knife comes, we go, Whoa, I didn't sign up for that. And a living sacrifice can jump off the altar. And I'm here to tell you right now that the Lord is calling us in this new season, to present ourselves as living sacrifices. Not reluctant sacrifices. Although I do believe God uses reluctant people reluctantly. Right. If you look through the Scriptures, you'll find like everybody's reluctant. Peter's like I don't know. Thomas is like, I doubt that. Right? Like, Gideon goes, you got the wrong dude. You're here. Here's the here's what I believe about Gideon and about all these these great men and women of God who question that they don't doubt God they doubt themselves. And it's why Jesus and the Lord don't eat. They don't he doesn't even acknowledge their doubt. He just keeps saying how he sees them. That's what I love about them. Prophetic. It doesn't just, it doesn't hit your doubt it doesn't hit what you think about yourself. It doesn't hit what people say about you. It announces everything that God has placed on the inside of you. Because he knows that he called you to do something amazing and something great. Here's one of my favorite stories in the Bible. And here's where I focus most of my time this morning. In John chapter five. It's this beautiful story. And if you allow yourself to actually think and put yourself in the midst of the story, it's going to help you gratefully greatly in John Wooden says, After this, there was a feast of the Jews and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. Now there is in Jerusalem by the sheep gate, a pool, which is called in Hebrew, Bethesda, having five porches. And these lay a great multitude of sick people blind, lame, paralyzed, waiting for the moving of the water, for an angel went down at a certain time into the pool and stirred up the water, then whoever stopped in first, after the stirring of the water was made well, of whatever disease he had. Now a certain man was there who had an infirmity 38 years. And when Jesus saw him lying there, and he said, and and knew that he had already knew already that he had been in that condition a long time. He said to him, do you want to be made well, and the sick man answered him, Sir, I have no man to put me in the pool when the water is stirred up. But while I'm coming, another steps down before me. And Jesus said to him, rise, take up your bed and walk. And immediately the man was made, well took up his bed and walked. And that day was the Sabbath. And the Jews therefore said to him, who was cured, it is the Sabbath, it is not lawful for you to carry your bed and answer them, He who made me well said to me, take up your bed and walk. Then they asked, asked him, Who is the man who said, Take up your bed, and walk. But the one who was healed did not know who it was, for Jesus had withdrawn, a multitude being in that place. And afterward, Jesus found him in the temple and said to him, See you have been made well SIN NO MORE, lest a worse thing come upon you. And the man departed and told the Jews that it was Jesus, who had made him well, I love this story, because if you understand the context of it, is that Jesus is willing to go to some of the hardest places. One of the other names for the sheep gate is the gate called Beautiful. And there's nothing beautiful about the sheep gate. If you've ever been around sheep, they smell. If you've been around wet sheep, they smell even worse. There's nothing pleasant about it. And here's this pool in the middle of the mass and the middle of the smell in the middle of all this stuff that just doesn't seem right, look right, or feel right. And every day an angel comes in serves the water so that healing can flow. It tells me this, that God's not afraid of my darkness. In the beginning, God created the heavens in the earth, Genesis one one. And darkness cover the waters of the deep and the earth was dark and void. And the spirit of Lord hovered over the waters of the deep, and he spoke, let there be light. Jesus doesn't turn away from my darkness, he doesn't turn away from my sickness, he doesn't turn away from my son, he doesn't turn away from all of the stuff I'm dealing with. He just shines his face on it, and the darkness can't hide. So me right now the Lord's about to shine his light, in every dark shadow of your life. In every place where you're struggling at every place where you're sick, and every place where you're doubting, and every place that just seems out of sorts, the light of his face, the light of His glory, is about to come to you. And here's what I love about Jesus, he could walk any way he wants to. But he chooses to walk through the sheep gate. I think he was being led by the father who's being led by the Spirit into a difficult smelly situation. And he finds a man there, it doesn't talk about the other men who are who are still there. This man just stays there. Maybe everybody else comes every day and tries to get in and then goes back where they came from. But this man is by himself sitting by a pool, that is no longer stirred, but it's stagnant. They're sheep getting into the pool. It's nasty. There's flies, there's there's a stench everywhere. And Jesus comes up to the guy and only ways that Jesus can do and goes, Hey, looks like you're troubled. Got some stuff going on. Do you want to be made? Well? It sounds like an offensive question, isn't it? I think what Jesus is saying is, I have a great opportunity for you. But you've got to decide that's what you want. You can choose to stay in the suffering. Or you can actually choose to be well to do that you can choose to stay how you came, or you could choose to leave completely different. And I know the choice that I want to make for you, but you've got to actually receive it. He's saying, how do you get healed the same way you get saved? You believe and you receive? Can I tell you some of the the work that Jesus accomplished on the cross wasn't a half work wasn't a part way work. When Jesus said it is finished, how many know it meant it is finished? So could it be that today Your feet are standing in a place that you're sitting in a place today called it has finished, that when you came in today, you're actually receiving what was already done. You can't earn it, you can't pay for it, you can't buy it, you can't sell it. It's a free gift. Isn't that beautiful? And Jesus shows up in the middle of the mess. I love that about him. He always shows up in the middle of the mess. I've told the story maybe before. But we moved here in 2018. And I remember when we moved in, it was July the 19th 2018. And we moved in at night, and woke up the next morning, we were walking the property the kids and the dogs were out we were playing we were enjoying this new move to friendly Franklin, Tennessee. And as we're walking the property, a neighbor comes out. And she starts kind of just cussing and fussing. And I go to introduce myself and she said don't worry, I don't need to know you because you won't be here long enough. And she starts telling me how many people and accidents have happened out on on the road where we live and how many people jumped off the bridge. Like she was just she was cursing my promise. Okay. And so we're just walking, we're like, where do we just move? Why do we come here, all all of those things. And then as things progress, like there's, she's stand on the back of her porch. You know, we live on some acreage, but we get to hear her sometimes one in the morning, sometimes eight in the morning, sometimes during the day, and she's just screaming and torment. And you realize something that either that's your problem or that your promise. Maybe that's the reason you move. Maybe that's the reason you're in transition. Can I tell you something? Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. But he's always moving. And because he's always moving. That's why we're always in transition. It's why some of us are always feel change on our job change in the church change in our life change in our family, there's always changes taking place, even though he's constant, why he's always moving. I would rather move with a few people under the cloud of His glory than this stay stagnant. Where he's left from. Are you hearing me? And sometimes we don't understand our assignment. We don't understand. We don't fully understand that Jesus is putting in the middle, putting us in the middle of things that are uncomfortable and don't smell right or look right or act right? Because you have the answer to the thing you're facing. How many know when Joshua crossed the people across into the promised land there were still giants there. That the Giants didn't vacate? They just saw themselves different. They used to see themselves as grasshoppers. Now they saw the giants as grasshoppers. What is it's a matter of perspective. And so there was constantly constant conflict, why there was a clash of kingdoms between my house and the darkness. Are you hearing me? And so this was going on and on and on. There was this this moment where she would just kind of just cuss us out and all of these things, it was constant conflict. And all of a sudden, and on Palm Sunday of 2021 we have this massive flood that that flooded our property and, and all of this stuff. My friends came and raised raised up pickup trucks. Aren't you thankful for the rednecks who live outside on the fringes of Franklin? Right. Maybe down by Columbia or Spring Hill. Right. Right. That have kind of the Redneck trucks around. I know we're more refined in town now. Right? But but there's some rednecks around this still say y'all. They might be in Fairview right. You don't talk about and they came and rescued us and thank God for the Redneck Navy that comes like that. Right And the next morning, they turned around, they showed up again with chainsaws and a bobcat. And they started help, you know, there to help clean up. I remember arriving I was in Washington DC, the night that it happened, I came back in, and I put my feet out of my truck, and I landed in the ground, and I sunk to my knees. And I remember saying these words, this is a mess. Lord said, If you give me eyes to see, I'm going to show you the miracle in the mess. I believe this the today the Lord wants to give you eyes to see the miracle in the mess. And the mess of your circumstance or situation, your family to see the miracle in the mess of America to see the miracle in the mess of all the things that are happening culturally, politically, religiously around us that if you give the Lord your iser, that you take on the Lord's eyes, you will see at a different perspective. And so my friends come and one of them has a word of knowledge, they said we should help your neighbor before we clean up your place. And so we started cleaning up and the first thing we wanted to do is put the fence back up. Not to keep her out, but to keep her dogs in, okay. And so we do that as soon as we start working on the property line, she comes running out me. What are you doing, Get off my property? Why are you here? Why are you and all this thing, and she comes just running. And I said, We're here because we love you. And because we love you. We're going to take care of your yard before we take care of mine. a kind word turns away wrath. And she just begins to weep and said, I've hated you, I've come against you. And you're here to help me and I said, Yeah, that's because we love you. And that's what Jesus would do. Well, all of a sudden is we clean up your yard by the time noon comes. She's eatin fajitas with us from chewy that somebody brought to our house, okay. She's sitting on the porch, and we're eating together. At six o'clock, she shows up, there's a knock on the door, she shows up, and she has 212 packs. Not a beer, or coke tacos, from Taco Bell. But now I know who the drinkers are. Right? She said, I don't have money, but I have tacos. And we begin to eat again. And it changes everything. Why? The miracle was in the mess. The miracle was in the mess. The person you have conflict with at work, the miracles in the mess. The thing that you're walking through in your life, the miracle is in the mess. And the Lord is about to show us the miracle in the mess. And Jesus in this in this place, finds a man. And the man immediately starts going into his history. I've been here 38 years. Every time I'm going to get in, somebody beats me in and they get healed and I stay stuck. 38 years people pass me by the jump over me. I can't make it 38 years I've stayed the same. I'm getting worse. Nobody cares about me. And he forgets the invitation before Jesus even knew the problem. Are you willing to be made whole? Do you want to be well? It's interesting, right? Because it's obvious he's there. He's paralyzed he more than anything else he probably wants to get in. Could it be that we want to talk to the Lord more about our history than we do about our destiny? Could it be that Jesus was saying, Hey, I know all of that. 38 years I know it's been horrible. But but you got 40 years left in you. You got 60 more years left in you that can be powerful. See, I think the Lord asked me this question a while back, he said you know why it's important not to judge a book by its cover. Because if you judge a book by its cover, you'll never open it and hear the story in between. And there's glory on the story in between the beginning and the end. And I believe that we're about to find and discover the glory on the story of people's lives and circumstances. Here's what this place was called. Right the gate beautiful the sheep game. But if you understand what Bethesda was, it means this, the house of mercy, or the house of grace. I would submit to you this morning, that we're about to step into one of the greatest moves of miracles and healing the earth has ever seen. That there is about to be an outpouring of the mercy of God and the miracles of God like we've never seen before. He's about to encompass us in the miraculous like never before. Why? So that we can build our brand no but so that we can make him famous And I'm telling you right now that many of you are in the midst of it, you're actually on the threshold of your miracle, and you're crossing over into miracle territory. I don't try to box God in with time. And I know timing is the hardest thing to see in the Spirit. But I do know in my heart of hearts, when I woke up this morning, the Lord said, welcome to your month of miracles. I believe that the Lord is calling this to be a miracle month for full life, calling it to be a miracle month for us and for our families. He's calling us to be a miracle month for many of us to experience the miracle working power of God. Anybody else want that today? Why there's a miracle in the mess. You may be looking at all of the circumstances. But God sees past the circumstance and sees directly to the to the promises of God. I believe with all my heart, that many of you what you've been fighting. And the frustration that you've been in, is an indicator of the breakthrough and the miracle that's coming. I am convinced of it. I am fully persuaded of it. That Jesus is coming and saying, Hey, I know you've been in the same place for a while. But pick up your mat. Pick up your mat. Why did he give him those instructions, because it was time to move. Because you could sit you could get healed and stay in the same mess. You could get healed and decide I'm just gonna lay here in it. And Jesus is saying, Hey, pick up your mat and walk. I think Jesus does some of it to ruffle religious feathers. I don't think Jesus was paying attention to what day of the week it was. I think he was saying, hey, today's a good day for a miracle. And I want you to rise up and I want you to take your mat and I just want you to go. And the religious people began to question Who told you that? How are you carrying them out? Look, I've been laying here 38 years, man came I don't even know who it was told me to rise up, I rose up, I walked. It tells me this that you could receive from Jesus and not even know Jesus. But also tells me this the Jesus will come back around. He's great at follow up and he he's great at crossing paths with you again. And then he said, Hey, you got healed of that. But let me tell you something greater. Go and sin no more. That's pretty amazing in it. Here's what I believe that the Lord is coming with with an upgrade of his power, an upgrade of His provision, upgrade and a greater outpouring of His mercy, a greater outpouring of his miracles than ever before. That we are at the precipice. We are actually on the hinge of history. And the moment that we're stepping in and watching one of the greatest outpourings and moves of the Spirit of God the earth has ever seen. And you get to be a part of it. You get to be a part of it. We're living in the days that Peter, Paul, James and John would be jealous to be living in right now. Because they know in moments like this, Jesus always comes. In moments like this. The church is always built in moments like this miracles always happen in moments like this in the midst of the greatest conflict comes some of the greatest outpourings What do you do in the in between? Many of us today prophetically are in the in between. Someone's left what we've known and we're not quite sure where we're going. He's the God of the in between. I will tell you that actually the in between is what Burslem miraculous. I love Joel chapter two verse 38. Anybody else love that verse? How about Acts chapter two. That repeats that verse says I will pour out my spirit on all flesh. Your sons and daughters will prophesy old men will have dreams that young men will have visions and out of my spirit, I'll pour out my spirit on all flesh. She would like the outpouring. How many not just misquoted it because it says afterwards I will pour out my spirit. I like the outpouring and the promise. But I have to ask myself what comes before the outpouring? What's the part that produces the afterwards something comes? Well, Joel chapter one and two, up until that point, it tells you it asked this question, who will stand in between the porch and the altar? Who will stand in the midst of the chaos who will stand in the midst of the of the unjustice who will stand in the midst of all of the brokenness and the hurting and the sin and and all of that. So who will stand in the in between? Who will weep who will wail who will intercede who will cry out who will travail Could it be that we're called this actually be that are two of the in between. to be that which is saying, Okay, Lord, we know what's behind us. But we're also we're also fully persuaded on what's ahead of us. And so I will stand in the in between and I will declare the word of the Lord and I will stay in your presence and and I will weep and I will wail and I will cry out on your behalf to see your kingdom come and your will be done in Franklin as it is in heaven. Are you hearing me? What what came before the outpouring of Acts chapter two? Death, burial, resurrection, persecution. Jesus always comes in moments like this. Your miracle comes through the gate that's called Beautiful. But what is beautiful to him may not look beautiful to us. But he gets Beauty for Ashes. Who else is worthy? I'm telling you right now that many of you are standing in the place called, it's already done. We're standing in the place called it has finished today. But here's where our mind goes, How do I figure it out? How do I make it happen? What do I got to do? And I'm telling you right now the key to trusting God, to stop trying to figure it out. Stop trying to make it happen. And just do what he said to do. My job is to be faithful. It's his job to do the results. It's my job to pray. It's his his God. It's his job to perform. And that amazing. It takes all the pressure off of us. Because it's his word. He's watching over his word day and night, he's careful to perform it. Here's what I believe you're about to know and experience in this house like never before the care of the Lord. He's watching over his word day and night. And he's careful to perform it. That word that he spoke to your heart, the prophetic word that came over your life, the Scripture that keeps lifting off the pages. He's watching over it day and night. And he is careful to perform every word of it right down to the detail. I'm telling you right now God is getting into the details of our life. He's getting into the nitty gritty, he's getting into the stuff that you you, we might have wanted to push him away from. He wants the stuff that we don't even want to give him. He's showing up in our mess because there's a miracle in the mess. There's a new fragrance coming out of the sheep gate. So how does this fit in this morning? Number one, there's miracles in the house. Number two, there's healing in the house. He's in the house. But number four, there's an invitation. Right? We sing the song here. Sometimes this is a house of miracles. What's the trigger for the miracles? Its mercy. Sometimes in my zeal, I want people to be healed. I know it's the word of the Lord. I know what the Bible promises about it. And I want people heal because the Bible says I can lay hands on the sick and they should recover. And when it doesn't happen, I find myself frustrated. And when I find myself frustrated, here's what I do. I ask the Lord questions. So I remember praying for this particular person over and over again, nothing was happening. And I said, Lord, why didn't this happen? It's not right. It says in the book, I can do this. It should be happening. It's not happening. And the Lord said that if you want my if you want my results, you've got to feel what I felt. Here's what I love. In Matthew 14, and 14 says, When ever Jesus was moved with great compassion, all were healed and those that were afflicted of the devil went free. What's the secret? Compassion and Mercy leads to miracles. And I'm telling you right now, we're about to step into one of the greatest moves of mercy. Here's an unpopular message. When the Lord looks at you, he's got mercy on his mind. Because we're living in a day where everything this is judgment, judgment, judgment, I believe that judgment of God is coming. I have no doubt about that. But I also believe that in this context, that we are in a season where the mercy of God is being poured out. It's the only reason I can tell you that why we're still here in the earth. Because when the Lord looks at us, He has mercy on his mind. And I'm telling you miracles are about to be produced out of that mercy. I'm persuaded of it today. We're living in those moments. Here's what I'll try to begin to wrap up. and Acts chapter 10, around verse 3234, says these words, and Jesus went forth doing good. and healing all that were sick and afflicted of the dough. Because he was anointed, because God anointed him. And wherever he went, miracles went following because God was with him. Can I tell you something? Here's what we need. We need the anointing. I don't need good informational messages. I need the anointing. I don't need somebody to motivate me and tell me I'm going to be alright. I need the anointing. Why? It's the anointing that destroys the yoke. It's the anointing that destroys the yoke of the enemy, and the yoke of bondage and the yoke of sickness, I'm alive. And here's what I believe that in this next few weeks and months, there's going to be a fresh anointing, there's fresh oil, about to be poured out on full life, there's fresh oil about to be poured out upon the people. And upon the leadership there. There's fresh oil about to be poured out on this property and on on this community, like we've never seen before that there is fresh oil. Here's what I don't want to be in this season, a cloud without rain, or a lamp without oil. Are you hearing me? The Lord is releasing us into a season of fresh outpouring, and infilling like never before, why? We're about to watch the harvest of nations. We're about to watch the discipleship of nations. And I'm watching the Lord completely. bring things back around turning things around. I seen it in Europe, I'm watching it in Asia, I'm watching it in Australia, and I'm watching it in America. The Lord is about to do something. And it's not just up to the preachers. Every one of you has been anointed to preach good news. That the Spirit of the Lord is upon you. He's anointed you to preach good news to the poor. bind up the brokenhearted. Here's what the anointing does. A few years ago, I was in northern Uganda. It was a place that had known a lot of warfare. We flew in to Entebbe, we flew into Kampala, and set a night in the base and a base and then we drove out about six hours into the bush. And the people there had planned for this big outreach to take place. And they picked the village and they felt like the Lord highlighted the village. And so we went out there with with three different van loads of people and, and Cami ons and truckloads of food and equipment. And we roll into town and we're met by soldiers and policemen and religious leaders who tell us they don't want us here. We had permits, they said doesn't matter. The permits aren't as good as the paper that they're written on. And they tear them up. And so they're trying to we're trying to negotiate. But how many No, you can't negotiate with the enemy. And we're getting nowhere. And they just tell us you can't be here. We don't want you here. You can't be here. So somebody finally says, Well, where can we go? And I think jokingly, they said something and we took it as gospel truth. They said you can go up there on that hillside. Well, it's the worst place to have a meeting because it's the rainy season. And the hillside is a hillside. It has brush that is overgrown. It's hard to put out seats, you can't really build a platform into it. It's gonna take an engineering miracle to make any of it work. And they send us out and to be honest with you, I was willing to just go back into the, into the bigger city Go preach in churches. But the guy leading us was so insistent that we were in the right place at the right time. And so we build this makeshift platform, and music starts and and it's just horrible. It's lightly raining. It's like you're standing in mud. The great thing is you don't even need to be anointed, they have people fall out you just touch them and because of the slant, they just fall, but but. And like 20 people showed up. And we worship and we preach the gospel, and the Gospel goes forth. And some people respond. But there's a woman there that is blind in one eye and missing another eye and the Lord creates an eye and opens the other eye and a miracle takes place and all of a sudden people just start hearing about it. The next day hunt Words of people come and the deaf are hearing and the blind are seeing, and people that couldn't walk or walking. And people that have been oppressed of the enemy are being set free. And now hundreds of people are coming day after day. We thought what they gave to us was awful. But they gave us a great gift. If we would have been in the village, only the people in the meeting would have heard. But because we're in a higher place, everybody in the village had to hear all the music, all the preaching, all of the miracles, all the testimonies started flowing into the village. Four days in, we wake up, we have a pastor's meeting and a breakfast. We are out of our tents. And all of a sudden, the guy leading us named Steve myology goes, it's time. And I said, Tom, for what coffee tea to know, it's time to go into the village. And I said, Good, have fun. See you guys later they go, No, you don't understand you're the sacrificial lamb. They said these people have never seen a white person before. And you're going to be the you're going to be the thing that people come to see. I didn't like that idea. And they should have asked my permission. We go down in this little Toyota van, we get out and immediately I'm surrounded by all of these kids like eight to 12 years old. And then they're trying to pull the hair on my arms because they don't have any and they they try to rub my hair but they can't get to the hair because of the hairspray. Right there. They're really, they're really intrigued by this white person because I've never seen a white person and at the kindness of God to send a good look and handsome white American for the first white man, right? Pretty awesome. And and listen, you might not like my preaching or prophecy, but at least you can admit I'm easy on the eyes, right. And so I'm there and these kids are pushing around and, and it's kind of a fun thing, where all sudden, this angry man shows up with a stick and he's trying to push the kids away. He's the headmaster of this Muslim school. They tried to push them away, and he's hitting them with the sticks. And the more he hits them. And the angry he more angry he gets they actually come to me even more. I realized I have to do something because a riots about to break out. And so the Lord gives me this word. He said, tell this man that he has big problems, and you have big answers. So I said, Sir, you have big problems, and I have big answers. He said, Tell me more. I said tomorrow at 1030 because I didn't know what the problems were. And I didn't know what the answers were. I just knew what the Lord told me in that moment. And he said, you being a Christian will meet with me as a Muslim tomorrow morning, I said absolutely 1030 We show up and he's not there because he doesn't think we're coming. They get him they he comes and sits down. And the Lord just starts talking to me about culture and like stuff I couldn't even know or pronounce. This guy is intrigued. And he keeps saying, Tell me more, tell me more, an hour and a half into it. He says Tell me more. And I said I will. But you have to gather all of the students and all of the faculty and all the staff and I want to tell everybody together. So I'm, I'm actually gonna start preaching the gospel. And as I have an interpreter, and I'm at the part where I'm getting ready, man, I'm getting ready to talk about how, although my sins were Scarlet, his he washed me white as snow and talk about the blood of Jesus. And all of a sudden, he tells the, this headmaster gets my interpreter and pushes them out of the way. My natural mind wants to go to this, he's not going to say what I'm saying. He's going to preach something completely different. And all of a sudden, I go, Jesus, when you're washing the blood of Jesus, he although your skins are like sins are like Scarlet, he makes you want to snow. He's got kind of this dirty purple shirt on. And all of a sudden, he says hang on a minute. And he takes this purple shirt off and underneath his a brand new white t shirt and said that's what Jesus does for you. And now the guy who I thought was my enemy is now preaching himself into the kingdom. That day he gave his life to the Lord, the student body and the faculty gave their life to the Lord, I could bring you to that village. The mosque is now a church and the Muslim school is not a Christian school, because the power of God came with the anointing of the preaching of the word. Well, why am I saying this? So you think I'm a great missionary, a great preacher? No, I'm simply telling you, when it's time it's time. When God has a miracle designated for a place or a people, there's no devil in hell, no religious system, no, no person that can stop it. And I'm here to tell you right now that there is an awakening coming, where the Lord is lifting off every lid of limitation. He's lifting off everything where we've tried to contain him and confine him and I'm telling you that it's time to stop telling God what he can do and what he can't do. And just let him be God because he's got it I'm not. And I'm here to tell you right now that there is a fresh anointing coming upon you, for your family, for your community, for your school, for your job, for your neighbor. Can I tell you this, that your call to your neighbor is just as important as my call to my neighbor to the nation's. I'm just telling you right now. And the hand of the Lord is getting ready to be released all over this room. Here's what I've done what I felt like the Lord sent me here to do to provoke you and encourage you at the same time. It's time to dream again and ask the Lord what's possible in my lifetime? What miracles you want to work right now in my lifetime that you want me to be a part of? What's my part? What sheep gate? Do you want me to walk in? What mess? Do you want me to put my feet in? Where do you want me to show up so that you can you could pour out Your glory? Who do you want to turn from my enemy to my friend? Who do you want to turn? Whose heart do you want to turn? What circumstance situation? What giant? Do you want to come down? I'm just telling you right now. Here's where the Lord's calling us Psalm to come out of the cave. I've had some great victories. But I've noticed that after some of my greatest victories, I want to go hide in a cave because I think I'm the only one. And I'm telling you there still Yes, 7000 that haven't bound. There's still people that need to know the name of the Lord. There's people all over the Mid South. There's people all over Franklin, Tennessee, where we have more churches than I can ever count, that have still never heard the gospel. I run into them all over town. And I'm telling you, there's a light shining in the darkness, there's a light shining in the darkness. And it's not just church at 10 o'clock on Sunday morning. It's how you live the lie how you live your life and the gospel like never before. To one I believe with all my heart that this is a season of empowering and equipping, that the Lord wants to release his anointing His glory, His grace upon you a fresh in a new Holy Spirit. I think you right now for moving in this room today. For moving in this room today. You're here today you've never made Jesus the Lord and Savior of your life. It's a great day. Say Jesus, I'll give you my past my present my future. I believe you're the Son of God, you died on the cross for my sins. I want to receive you as Lord and Savior of my life. I want you to come into my life. I want you to change me and make me new. Today's a great day if you find yourself away from God to to give your life back to him today. say God, I messed up I walked away but today I'm running back into your arms. I'm Kevin through the sheep gate. I know it's been a little bit messy. But Lord, I think you there's a miracle in the mess